31. Belly Of Babies

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When I end in heaven

Walking a wicked way

Leaves my heart untarnished

—Herluma Twelthsunic

Alone, Hildr strides to the tall bronze doors of Scarlet Keep. They stand open, but the way is blocked by a pair of muscular orc guards crossing golden halberds.

Canine ears twitching, the brutes narrow their yellow eyes and scowl back with tusks poking out. Red paint stains their chests, forming an inverted triangle across their pecs that points to their crotches. The simple symbol declares their allegiance to Phoenix and her Scarlet Crusade.

Hildr rolls her shoulders and firms her gaze. "Let me pass."

Flexing, the males hunch forward in their loincloths. Hildr snorts as they hold this pose.

The orc on the left flairs wide nostrils. "You not laugh. We intimidate."

The other one nods and shakes his halberd. He has a leaner physique and a bit more height. She would target him first if she had the means to fight them.

"What idiot molded you two into a parody of warriors?" Hildr crosses her arms.

Widenose mouths her words and scratches the side of his head. "We strong—"

"Sure. Have these swollen bodies of yours served well on the battlefield?"

"We not fight yet."

Hildr adjusts her tall blonde wig. "You two are decorations. I have served with orcs that can march all day and night with a full kit of gear and then fight through the next day without faltering. They were soldiers I would never laugh at."

Orcs, physically, are the most mutable of races. They can be trained to be most anything, but they never shake a tendency to be subservient to domineering females.

She says, "I have business with the pimplord of this temple. Now, let me pass."

Widenose slaps his thigh. "He fucking."

The leaner orc nods. "It be a while."

Hildr clucks her tongue and stomps forward. "Do you dickless dogs even know how humans have sex?" She thrusts her groin forward. "Fetch your master from his whores, or I will have you flayed."

Widenose grumbles in Orc and retreats inside with his halberd over his shoulder. His leaner partner spins his weapon into a parallel grip so the shaft blocks her path.

She fingers a strip of sapphire ribbon hanging from her dress. "How long can you hold this pose before your arms quiver?"

He says, "You impressive. You smell; perfume, sweat, and smoke. No fear." He points after his wider-nosed companion. "Ricrow is captain of guard. He not obey easy. Who are you?"

"I'm an impatient bitch with a tongue like a whip. Engage in idle chatter at your own risk."

The orc sucks his tongue in and seals his lips. Sweat gathers at his bushy brow and rolls down his gray cheek bone.

Hildr nods. "I guess you are the smart one."

She taps her foot, and her blue-scaled platform shoes squeak. The orc cringes, and his wolf-like ears go flat. Slow and deliberate, she twists her ankle on the smooth stone floor, stretching out the grating sound.

He shudders. "Please. Stop."

"Oh, that's right. Orcs have sensitive hearing. In fact, women have an advantage fighting your race if we can scream while attacking."

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