25. Entitled Maiden

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What must be checked to be devoted

Shifting power without explosion

What promises dull sheep sweet freedom

Yet serves the herd sour tyranny

With the few bowing to the many

—Jaaga Ironbelly

Hildr runs her fingers across her smooth scalp as the griffin between her legs settles upon the grass. Maybe it would have been better to fly on to another house.

The noble maiden waves to them as her curls bounce, dancing about like a blonde bonfire. "Save me!"

A guardsman with the winged trout tunic chases after her, followed by a rotund woman in an apron and a pair of slobbering hounds. The girl is outpacing her elders, and the dogs circle each other as much as they come closer.

"Is this a comedy?" Hildr points at the dogs. "Apple, cast to calm those mutts. Meepsin, ready your sling. Aim for knees."

The brownie bursts out of Apple's robe with a stone bullet already loaded in his sling's pouch.

She pets his fluffy head. "Wound, not shatter."

Apple sighs and swirls his hands, summoning sparkles of green and red light. "We'd best fly on and avoid whatever drama this is."

There will be other estates for reconnaissance, but will any others showcase escaping innocence? Hildr hops off their wide saddle and lands in time to accept the weeping young woman's hug.

"Take me." The red-eyed maiden holds up a wrist wrapped in gold with sapphires and diamonds decorating. "Fly me to the Scarlet Keep, and this mystic jewelry is yours."

What causes such desperation to trust strangers with wealth and life? Hildr winces. It is an effort she never made to escape her own childhood of horrors.

The lone guardsman slows along with the older maid. He whistles at the dogs, distracting them from their tail chasing games. Raising his fist, he pats a studded club swinging at his waist and points in Hildr's direction.

"Old man?" says Hildr.

Apple growls with thunderous volume, enhanced by his shamanic power. His voice makes the dogs drop to their bellies and whine. The man runs over and kicks them in the butt and ribs. The animals whimper but otherwise ignore his abuse.

Hildr unties Apple's handkerchief from her head and opens it up. "Girl, show me this magic treasure."

The wide-eyed young woman unwraps her jewelry and holds it over the dark green cloth. "Your shaved head ... Are you a Pale Nun? Did my uncle send for you?"

Hildr scoffs and snatches the girl's treasure with the handkerchief. "So, what does this do?"

The maiden clutches after it with pearl-painted fingernails. With a grunt, Hildr grabs her arm and spins her against Peggy's furry side.

"Calm down." Hildr tucks the jewelry under a saddle strap. "I'm—"

The guardsman screams, holding his knee as he collapses. Meepsin trills, his sling a blur.

Hildr says, "No skulls, Meeps."

The brownie spits at the injured man and hisses at the meaty maid. The rosy-cheeked woman squeals and sprints back towards the mansion with an alacrity that defies her girth. The guardsman hobbles after, whistling and cursing at the hounds. The canines stay prone and keep whimpering.

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