XXV. Fairy Lights

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Today was Christmas Eve. Both boys had rolled out of bed relatively late, the two of them not having the heart to let go of one another's warmth. Jisung had chuckled to himself, thinking about the time he thought Hyunjin and Jeongin would be clingy. He had no right to complain ever again, as he nearly never let go of his own boyfriend. Ultimately, they did get up and the couple spend the entire afternoon watching Netflix, cuddled up on the couch together. It wasn't necessarily a scary show they were watching, but whenever there was an action scene Jisung would still jump in surprise. Minho had laughed and called him a scaredy cat, earning soft punches to his upper arm. The older's comments didn't refrain the younger from continueing to hide his face in Minho's neck, though.
Dinner time had soon rolled around and the boys were now in the kitchen, attempting to make a somewhat fancy dinner. Keyword being 'attempting'. Minho was definitely showing that his cooking limits were ramyeon and boxed pancakes.

"Wait Min, the oven has to be on 225 Celcius, not Fahrenheit! Wait, why is Fahrenheit even selected, we live in Korea?!"

"Min let me break the e— oh... I'll clean it up just... just stand still for a moment."

"Hyungie, you can't whisk that with a fork! Where is the whisk? ... No, not a spatula, the whisk!"

Needless to say, Minho was a disaster. Jisung had been confused the older had been able to make pancakes that one morning after the party, watching how helpless he looked now. Whilst Jisung definitely wasn't a chef, he also wasn't bad either.

"Minnie, how about you grab the plates and put them on the table? And take the lasagna out the oven when it hits zero, I'll finish our dessert." Minho sulked as he felt useless, but agreed nonetheless. His boyfriend seemed to be the way better cook anyways. As Jisung whisks the eggwhite to make some merengue, his Spotify playlist decides a fitting song for their Christmas Eve would be WAP. Minho, who's ears were not about to start sinning, walked over to the phone to skip the song.

"Now bring a bucket and a mop, that's some wet ass pu—"


Minho's ears were going red as he watched the younger turn around, innocent smile displayed on his face. "Yes, Minnie?"

"It's the lord's day, please. I'm gay, I don't need to hear about the female genitalia."

"First off, it is not the lord's day... Christmas is about the day Jesus was born. Secondly, true... but it is just kind of catchy. I don't even like the song but I can't help but sing along." Minho rolled his eyes, but he couldn't contain the smile that crossed his face. "Alright, alright. I'm taking the lasagna out, lets eat. How's the dessert?"

"Almost done, I just have to put some sprinkles on top, go sit at the table I'll be on my way."

The two sat on opposite ends from one another, the fairy lights that they'd hung up in the houseplant minho owned serving as their cozy lighting and Christmas tree. To most people, it would like ridiculous, but to Jisung this was his favorite Christmas ever. There were no sad thoughts wishing to have a normal Christmas with family, he was happy to spend it with the love of his life.

"Thank you, Minho."

The older looked up from his plate as he stuffed his mouth with the creamy cheese, tilting his head slightly. "What for? It's not like I did any of the cooking, you're the one to thank for this." Jisung just slowly shook his head in reply, smile reaching his eyes. "Not that. Thank you, for giving me these feelings I haven't felt in so long. For making me feel safe and for bringing out the best in me. You never gave up on me and even though I might've seemed cold in the beginning, you didn't walk away. You embraced me and melted my cold demeanor so quickly, I didn't think it was possible. I really love you... so thank you." Minho felt his eyes tear up, but was able to blink them away before he might've released one.

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