VI. Second Thoughts

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Minho had felt like he was losing his mind all day on Friday. The nausiating, anxious feeling that had started in his stomach had spread through his entire body. Like he was about to have a heart attack. It reminded him of something Theos had said to him before coming to Earth.

"You'll feel when your soulmate is in trouble. I can't even begin to describe the feeling, it's like you feel their pain and that they've given up."

When Minho had arrived home, he kept checking his phone. He hoped Changbin had arrived already and that he would've received a text by that point. Sadly for him, Changbin had been m.i.a and wasn't responding to his messages. He also had send a text to Jisung, just one. He didn't want to scare the other in thinking he was obsessed with him, but he did want to show his concerns for his wellbeing. Around 4 pm, the feeling had started to become less prominent, but he still felt it. It was lingering in the back of his mind. Did it mean Jisung was okay? He wished he had more experience with this. Of course, it was impossible as he could only have one soulmate, but he still wished he'd felt this before or at the very least could confirm his thoughts.

He looked at the group chat, memes coming in from both Chan and Seungmin, plus a whole conversation was going on after Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin had been added. Minho couldn't really focus on it though, the only thing he kept track of was if either Changbin and Jisung had responded at all. Which, they hadn't.
As night fell and there still had been complete radiosilence, Minho decided to test if he could still use some of his angel abilities. The gods had told him he would be mostly human, so surely that ment some things remained? He closed his eyes as he tried to see what Jisung was doing. Minho prayed he wasn't in the shower at that exact moment, that would be rather unfortunate and something he didn't want to see...

Yet. (author note: this is a joke)

As he focused, a room came into his sight. It seemed quite messy, but as the blurry image became clearer he saw something he hadn't expected. He was so shocked to see Changbin and Jisung cuddled up in one bed that he lost focus, his mind coming back to himself completely.
'Changbin said they were only friends? What the crap. Am I looking into this wrong?'

Minho had trouble falling asleep that night, too many thoughts racing through his mind. He had gotten out of bed at around 2, making himself some tea and trying to relax a little before going back to bed. He wouldn't be this stressed if it ment he wouldn't go to Hell if he failed. After some more tossing and turning, he came to the realisation that it was fine if Changbin and Jisung really were dating. It just ment that there was someone else looking after Jisung alongside him, meaning he wouldn't have to be paying attention all on his own. With that reassurance he finally managed to fall asleep, his mind going quiet after hours of concern.

By the time he had woken up, it was already 1 pm. Him falling asleep late must've wore his body out, letting it take the rest it needed. Nevertheless, he quickly grabbed his phone and surely enough, he had a few messages waiting for him.

Changbin 9:04 am

oh fuck i totally forgot

sorry man, yesterday was a little stressful and i completely forgot to send you a text afterwards

jisung is fine, he was just feeling really sick so he went back to bed in the morning :(

he's already doing better tho! he said he'll probably be back to school on monday

oh and i gave him your stuff, he seemed really happy to see you did some stuff even without him :))

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