XXI. Butterflies

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It had been three weeks since the kiss. Minho wasn't sure how he wanted to approach Jisung. The younger got flustered the second their eyes met, a blush rising on his cheeks whilst he would quickly looked away every time. Sure, they still had normal conversations, however every first interaction of the day would go like this. Everyone around them had noticed something had happened, but none of the boys dared to ask. Meanwhile, Changbin was literally going crazy watching the two act like this, just hoping ANYTHING would happen.
However, both agreed amongst themselves that the week before the exams took place wasn't a good time to start dating. The exams counted for 40% of their final grade that year, a terrifying percentage. If you failed this, you had to work extremely hard to pass the year. Minho also kept thinking about what Changbin had said. Christmas is cliché, but is Minho really willing to wait another three weeks before confessing? He didn't know if his heart could handle that.

Jisung on the other hand had the gears behind his eyes spinning 24/7. He couldn't help his feelings whenever he glanced at the older. Flashbacks from the kiss immediately playing in his mind, making him all the more embarrassed. He had asked Changbin what to do and all the other said was 'it will happen when the time is right'. In other words, he wasn't the greatest help to poor Jisung.

Now, all 8 boys were once again seated in the library. It was a lot fuller this time around, the entire school fearing the long awaited —not in a good way, exams. Jeongin was leaning against Hyunjin, already looking exhausted from studying all afternoon.
"Honestly though, why do the professors give us this much homework the week before exams? They're nuts!" Seungmin exclaimed, closing one of his books in frustration. The boy had only started studying 2 days ago thinking he could fully handle whatever subject would be thrown towards him. He now realised how wrong he was as his brain struggled to keep all the information remembered.

"They probably want to cram as much information in before exams start... I just don't know if that is the way to go." Chan sighed as he continued to scribble down some answers.

"Will you guys be going to Jennie Kim's party this Saturday? It's in three days." Hyunjin said suddenly, eyes shining with excitement. Hyunjin loved to party, but he would only go if his friends (and boyfriend) tagged along. It wasn't fun partying with people you don't know and besides that, he would need someone to get his drunk ass home safely.
"I don't know... Is it really that smart to go to a party the weekend before exams?" Changbin said as he played with his pen, trying to balance it on his nose. Hyunjin shrugged in response. The boy had already been studying every day with Jeongin for longer than a week now, both helping each other out wherever needed. He needed something fun to do.

"Honestly, maybe not. Buuuuuuuut, it could also be a good stress reliever. I'm in, Hyunjinnie!" Felix said, pumping his fist up in the air in excitement.
"Well, I guess it ain't bad to let lose every once in a while." Chan said with a smile. Hyunjin started clapping his hands softly, excited his friends wanted to go.

"How about you four?" Jeongin asked the rest of the group, who still seemed slightly unsure. Jisung was already planning to say no, not enjoying parties all that much. He didn't like alcohol, he didn't like large groups of people and he didn't like the loud bass that would make him lose his balance whenever it got too loud.
"Well... sure! I haven't been to one of Jennie's parties in ages! They're always the best." Changbin nodded. Seungmin agreed to go as well, saying if all of them went he might as well join.

"Jisung? Minho?" Hyunjin asked, bouncing up and down with energy at this point.

"I think I'm gonna ski—"

"We'll come. Right, Sung?" Minho looked at the younger. Instantly, Jisung wasn't able to form a sentence as the kiss replayed in his head once again. The smile Minho was giving him was so sweet, his mind drew a blank. So rather than to say anything, he just nodded. Minho smiled and winked at him, the entire table surprised yet excited to see Jisung join them.

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