Part 1

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Deku's POV

I woke up at six AM, for some reason my stupid brain woke me up... I walked to my window and looked trough it. I saw a cat hissing at a man, i laughed and walked away from the window to my desk full off All Might merch. I picked up a All Might book and just stared at it. Until i heard footsteps, I hurried and got back in bed to pretend i was sleeping. I heard the door open slowly. I opened my eyes a little and saw it was my mom. (as i already expected) she walked out of my room and I just walked back to my desk. I opened my laptop and watched the video of All Might saving people over, and over again. I got tired and just got back to sleep.

It is the next day!!! :D

I woke up and saw it was light outside. I put on my school uniform and went downstairs. "Morning sweetie!" My mom said "I maid breakfast!"
I sat down at the table and took some food.

"Morning mom!" I said.

"Are you ready for the camp?" She asked in a sweet caring tone.

"Yeamh" I had food in my mouth so yeah -.-

She smiled at me and went back to cooking.

"I need to go now, love you mom!" I waved at her and left.

At school 👁👄👁

"Alright problem child. You go outside and wait there." Aizawa sensei looked at me.
I looked up confused, we were in the middle of the class and I had no idea what I did wrong.
"But sensei what did I do?" I asked him, I started to get a little irritated but I didn't let that be noticeable.
He gave me a scary glare and I hurried out the classroom. The class looked confused at me when I walked out the classroom, only Kacchan seemed to enjoy it, It almost seemed like he knew what was going on. I stood outside and waited for a while and then I saw a skinny, almost skeleton man coming my way, it was All might! But he seemed....nervous...? He walked up to me and just stood there. I had no idea what was going on. We just stoot there untill he decided to break the silence.
"Umm...young Midoriya... please don't get mad at me...' I just looked at him and nodded. I really wanted to know what was going on! "Alright so..." he paused for a second and then said the most shocking thing ever. "I need my quirk back...!" Haha funny joke.... "All might this is not really the time for jokes im supposed to be in class!" He just looked at me and sighed. "Young Midoriya, I would never joke about something like this" He looked at me happy he was able to say it. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. "B-but you said that wasn't possible!" I said while crying. "Wel...I lied..."
"W-why..? WHY DO YOU WANT IT BACK ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" I screamed at him I just couldn't control my anger at that moment. "W-wel, I found a new successor." He stumbled out. "Who?" I said without any emotion in my voice. "Katsuki Bakugou." As soon as All might said that I was getting even more angry. "All you have to do is give it back. A little fast please because young Bakugou needs a lot of training." He stared at me and waited.


"sorry what was that?"




Word count: 603

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