4 The school trip

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In Ua

Third person POV

Aizawa was on his way to class 1a. He has to make an announcement (I don't know how it's spelled, so can anyone please say it to me????). The teacher opened the door and was greeted with the usual view.

Bakugo yelled at everyone that he will be #1 Hero while Iida said that he have to put his tie on. Uraraka as talking with Tsuyu and Todoroki. Kirishima was sitting with his friends and talked. (etc.) Aizawa walked in and everyone went quite. Aizawa said: "I have an anouncment to you. We're going on a school trip. We need your parents consent. So please bring this formular filled back, till Thursday. Any questions?" A lot of handy were raised and Aizawa took Mina first.

Mina asked: "Where do we go, when we have to bring our parents consents?" Aizawa answered: "We are going to the Red zone."

They all began to whisper to each other. When it was quite again, Aizawa took Uraraka. Her quesion was: "Aizawa Sensei, what exactly is the Red zone? I heard of it before, but I don't really know what it is." The underground Hero explained: "The Red zone is a zone in the city. It's dangerous there and even pro heroes aren't going there. There are viellains and many empty houses that are in danger of collapsing. In the better preserved are villains. And the not-so-well-preserved ones only consist of bare cold walls. Nobody goes there voluntarily. The heroes haven't gone there for several years. That's why we will see what it looks like there at the moment during a school trip. It's kind of a ghost town. I've been there twice. Everyone who was there with me thought it was very gruesome. There are very strange places there. I don't like the red zone, but we have to check on it."

The students began to whisper again. Aizawa answered every single question they had (I'm to lazy to write it and they aren't important so:  )

Timeskip Moday (on the school trip)

Aizawa waited for his students to arrive. Some of them were already there and talked to eachother. The rest of class 1a arrived and they went to the invisible border of the red zone. The closer they got to it, the uglier and more worn the area became. Fewer people ran through the streets until they finally came across only one or two.

AIzawa said: "Students... we are in the red zone now. Hold your eyes open and be carefull. Like I said. Here are many villains. And some scary places."

Uraraka asked: "What do you mean... scary places?" Aizawa answered her question: "There's some really creepy abandoned psychiatry there. Clowns are painted on the walls and there are so-called "panic rooms" in which the patients were tied to a couch when they panicked."

The class was shocked. That doesn't make scense. If someone panicked, than something like that wpould make it worse. That wouldn't help. Aizawa motioned for his students to follow him and ran into the red zone.

The students followed him and looked for villains or other hazards. The groub slowed down. The teacher stopped in front of a big building. There were graffitti and many of the windows were splintered. The building had an eerie, uncomfortable aura and none of the people liked it. But the teacher said: "This is the psychiatry I talked about earlyer. We'll go inside. I want to show you some things."

Class 1a wasn't comfortable with them going inside the building. They didn't like it. But they had to. So the class went inside and looked around. Aizawa showed them a room. The room was really scary (my opinion, I think some of you don't think something like that scary. But I do.). There were clowns on the wall. They should propably cheer the patients up or something, But They're look was kind of weird. As if they were psychopaths and were about to jump on you. It seemed like they were looking you straight in the eyes from the wall. The students got goose bumbs.

But that wasn't all. In the middle of the room was something like a sick bed. It was all over with blood. And there were handcuffs. The poor patients. Next to the bed was a thing that you could propably use for experimentes. 

Aizawa said: "this room was used for experimentes. The patients got experimented on. Some of them weren't psychopaths, but they were here cause the psychatry made it look like they were really dangerous and crazy.  A few years ago, the heroes found out about it and tried to safe the patients. But the experimentes weren't good for they're health. Just a couple of them survived. The most of them died. But... some of them... were never found. There were just some Files about them. But they were burnt. The doctors set dem on fire when they geard that we are coming. No one knows who this patients were, where they are right now, if they survived, and why the doctors burnt just they're files. No one has an answer about these questions. We found Just a couple of the words and sentences in the files. So we don't know if they were real patients and really really dangerous. Or just some victims that wasn't doing anything."

The class was shocked. Tat was terrible. Tsuyu asked. "I-Is this story real?" Aizawa nodded. HE said: "I was there. I saw how the doctors burnt the files, but I couldn't stop them in time."

The students were completely quiet. The story was scary and terribe. No one wanted to saw something lke that. Our have to go through something like the patiens got through. Mina asked. "What is with the patients that survived. COuldn't they say who the others were and what the doctors did to them?" Aizawa asnwered: "Well, I'm sure they would if they can. But they are to traumatized. Some of them aren't speaking at all, some of them are just speaking random things like : 'tomato' or something like that and some of them were to scared to tell us about them. But now, come on. We'll going outside. That was all I wanted you to know about this case. And that's not the only scary place in the red zone. So  be carefull. Everywhere could be something you didn't expect." The students nodded.

As they were outside, they walked down the street and looked around. Suddenly they heard someone talking. It was a male vioce. But it didn't seem like a villain or someon who would be in the red zone. The voice was young and Aizawa hough that he heard it somewhere. The male spoke quiet, but the whole class were quiete so they could heare him loud and clear. A other voice said something to. It was a bit older than the first one.

Suddenly someone came out of an allyway. It were two boys. One of them had green hair and seemed like 13 or 14. He had a black hat, a dirty lederjacket and a black ripped jeans. The boys face was dirty to. His eyes were emerald green. When Bakugou saw him, he froze. Was that Deku? Was that really Deku?

Yeaaaaaahhhhhh.... I'm sorry for not updating, but... well... school is all I need to say. I hope you like the 4th chapter. Who do you want to be with Izuku? I really don't know. I just know that they are on their way to the gang. Sooooooo....yeah.

have a good day.


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