A Trial to prove yourself

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{There is a storm as I am writing this.

But that, not the point of me writing this. I am going to unpublish my Broken story since it was a mess and it made no sense, so I decided to rewrite the story with a much better one and a reasonable ship with Izuku.

Sorry to those Izuocha Shippers. I couldn't write a reason for Izuku and Ochako to fall in love with each other in that book given the circumstances of the stories since it can paraphrase in a way that she loved him for his power and not for who he is.

All will happen in a week, and the new book will be up after updating this book.}

The next day,

Izuku walked to UA with his siblings as they talked about the issue with his classmates. Izuku had his head focused on the pathway as he kept Izumi and Takeo on the right path. "I'm telling him that his friends are a real pain in the butt since they didn't even congratulate him for making into the HERO COURSE QUIRKLESS!" He heard Izumi talking to what he assumed to be her friend as he diverts away to his classroom.

Giving a goodbye to his family, he walked down the hallways to his classroom and on his way, he gained looks from everyone as they all talk about him. Izuku paid no attention to them and continues to ignore all the talking. He soon enters his classroom. He sat on his chair, not bothering with his peers looks on him.

Todoroki smiled a bit as he saw his new friend enters the classroom, but it soon disappears as he sees everyone outcasting him. 'So much for all of them being heroes.' He thought with a frown as Aizawa got up and told them all to sit down. "Alright, first thing first. If any of you have any objections to anything, say it right now." He said, and everyone placed their hands up immediately.

"Is it alright for UA to allow a quirkless person to attend the Hero Course?" Most of them asked as Izuku and Todoroki looked at them. Aizawa frowned a bit as he let a breath, closing his eyes. "Here at UA, we don't care what your quirk is, just as long as you can prove yourself to be great as a hero and have the potential of one." He said as many objects to this.

"Wait, so you are allowing someone without a quirk to enter in something that could harm him?!"

"That doesn't sound right and what if he got injured because of it!"

"This is a terrible decision UA has made, and it can show their cavalier attitude."

"So you are okay with someone being in full danger!?"

"You're going to let someone, without anything to help him, die out there in the battleground?!"

"SHUT UP!" All of them stood quiet as they heard a loud slam from Izuku's desk. They look at him to see his fist on the desk, bruised a bit from punching it as he looked at all of them with a glare. "Shut up with all your whining about me being quirkless, cause I'm the person who decided this. Not them, not the principal, ME OKAY!? I'm not some worthless nobody in this damn world and if someone thinks of that, THEN SAY IT RIGHT IN MY DAMN FACE!" He shouted as all of them recoiled at his words.

After 10 mins, Izuku sat down on his desk with no emotion. He stayed quiet as everyone felt a bit bad for him. "Don't even think of pitying me." They snapped their heads up and turned to see Izuku, who wasn't even facing him. It was as if he was disgusted with even seeing them. "If I hear anyone doing any quirk discrimination, then that person will get detention and one hellish training. Do I make myself clear?" Aizawa said with his glare since he didn't like their bantering on Izuku Midoriya not suppose to be here.

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