Harry Styles Imagine Kissing In The Rain

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Harry had decided that tonight we should go on a walk. I hadn't seen him in a while so of course I agreed. We hadn't been going out for long, about 6 months but it was the best 6 months of my life.
Harry and I were walking through the park hand in hand just talking about random stuff.
'You know I really miss you when your gone Harry'
'Seba, you don't understand how much I miss you'
'Why do you love me Harry?'
'Why do you ask?'
'Just curious'
'Well, your funny and witty, incredibly smart and your so laid back and let's not forget your shockingly good looks. Why do you love me?'
'Now your asking Harry, I love your voice, your hair and I love how your always such a gentleman no matter the situation, also how much you care about your fans. There's lots more but if I went on we'd be here forever'
He lets go of my hand and grabs my shoulder and turns me around so I'm looking at him. Just at that moment it starts to rain. We both look up at the sky.
'I love you Saba'
'I love you to Harry'
Harry leans in and kisses me, the kiss is filled with so much love and passion. Harry is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm never going to let him go.

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