Chapter 16

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Sucking in a deep breath I walked in, dagger gripped in my hand, hoping nothing would go wrong as we were in a rush. As soon as I stepped through the doorway the circle came crashing down locking me in. Immediately, as soon as the door closed, the floor under my feet disappeared casing me to fall. Clenching my fists I used the wind to stop me from falling.

"Who goes there?"a voice echoed throughout the large spacious dark room.

"It is I, Anistaga Kathrine Shield. I am here to take back what I must protect,"I called back looking around the darkness. Suddenly I felt a force pull me up and I allowed my force on the with deteriorate Once the force stopped pushing me a dim green lights appeared before me which got brighter and brighter until it spread across the room.

Finally I could see her. A woman with long flowing green hair that flowered perfectly around her she wore a simple green dress that end way beyond her feet. A pair of clear eyes stared back at me while pale skin covered her body. On her back I could clearly see a pair of large white wings that could easily cower her body. Her height itself was barely as tall as my forearm as she was small enough to fir in the palm on my hand. Beside her stood a tall tower with a glass case covered with a cloth.

"Anistaga why have you come? Were you not in spirit realm?"she questioned flying gracefully towards me.

"There are people who are searching for the objects and I can't allow that to happen. They were here a while ago and almost got in but they didn't have the orb with them and are in the dungeons at the moment. I apologize for coming so late,"I said bowing to the wind spirit as she hovered above my hand.

"Don't worry. Your here now and you didn't leave me here to riot, for that I am grateful,"she replied tears stinging her eyes.

"I would never allow that to happen to you. It will be awful if I allowed the wind spirit to die in this world before she gets to go to the spirit world. I would rather allow you to travel to and from the spirit world,"I said gasping a bit.

"I know you wont. What is happening?"she asked.

"A group of people calling themselves the true rulers of Raven Gate threatened Ulria and are telling her to give them the Spirit Crystal. Of course that is not happening but she us going 'there'. Now I need my object because it is no longer safe. So will you give it to me?"I explained outstretching my hand.

"Gladly,"she responded before turning towards the glass box. "I, Evengeline the guardian of the Wind Key, relinquish my temporary hold and return it to it's rightful owner, Anistaga Kathrine Shield."

Suddenly I heard a loud cracking noise from the cylinder as Evangeline faded from view. The cloth flew off as wind burst towards me causing me to slam into the wall.

"Argh,"I groaned as my head contacted against the wall and my arms crossed over just before my face. I squinted my eyes as light and wind attacked my relentlessly. Groaning a bit I forced opened one of my eyes to see what was happening. Before I could realize anything a great force attacked my chest causing my eyes to roll back and a gag to release from my lungs. I felt something cold and metallic drip from my lips which I soon realized to be blood. Clenching my teeth teeth I somehow pulled out my special dagger and slashed the air before me. Only for a brief second, which was all that was need, I saw a golden key hanging before me.

"What are you doing?"I yelled at the key, though I knew there would be no answer. clenching my dagger I used the wind to create some sort of floor beneath my feet. Against the force of the wind I trudged towards the key not knowing why it was acting such a way.

"Gah,"I cried as I felt a cuts appeared on my arms. The wind had decided to start attacking me, and it did not feel that good. Knowing that it was an idiotic idea I pocketed the dagger and removed my arms from my face. Using the wind to push me from behind I ran full speed towards the floating key, trying to ignore the attacks the wind was sending me.

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