chapter 3

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As soon as I exited the castle I removed my grace and sped into the forest, opposite the one leading into Adir's mansion. Pushing past the branches that scratched against my face while avoiding the seeming harmless animals around me. I ignored the pain in my torso while my thoughts of escape led me back to they place I utterly despised yet loved. Crossing the last few trees I reached a clearing. I bent my knees a bit as I placed my hands on the them panting a bit.

"I'm out of shape,"I panted as I looked around. A large castle, which was similar to the size of the one I was in, sat before me. Grass surrounded the castle while a snowy mountain sat behind it in the distance.

I stood back up and stalked towards the entrance. An odd familiar feeling ran across me as I stood before a pair of wooden doors. Taking a deep breath I slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door. As soon as I opened the door a rush of familiarity rushed past me. The entrance was it as it had always been. A pair of stairs stood at the end of the corridor before me. The first pair of door lead to the servents quarters while the second lead to the kitchens. The last pair of doors before the stairs started lead to the dinning room. Portraits and antiques surrounded the entrance way happily inviting me in.

I classed the door behind me and walked through the corridor and up the stairs. I saw nor heard anyone which lead me to think that the mansion was deserted. Once I was up the first flight of stairs I went through the family head's corridor which lead me to a pair of stairs. Climbing the second pair of stairs I felt more uncomfortable in my home. I climbed three more flights of stairs until I reached the royal family's, my family's, floor. Right when my eyes caught sight of the floor I froze. The corridor's windows were all covered with curtains as the entire floor was dimmed down. I walked down the floor slowly opening each curtain as I went. My heart beat faster as I saw that all the doors were chained up so that only members of the royal family could open them. There were only six doors on this floor that suited the three members of the royal family. I ignored my parents room and their offices as I went to my room. My room was also chained up. The chain was silver with a green shield in the middle representing the family crest. I pulled off the two chained rings on my fingers and placed them into the hole near the shield while placing my other hand upon the shield muttering my name enfored with my powers. Immediately the shield cut open as the rings were pushed back out. The door opened by itself revealing me my room. My room was the same as the one in Adir's mansion except For the balcony. On the balcony there was a small couch without a back support with an exquisite mountain view. Though the balcony was covered with dark curtains that shaded the room from light I knew what was there.

I turned out of my room closing the door behind me and as I did the chains came back on. I stepped back down the stairs to the first floor. Once I got the first floor I stepped down yet another corridor to a private place Iused to think. I was soon in front a pair of metal doors that opened just by pushing the door in. I stepped into the room to find myself in one of the training rooms. I crossed the training room into a pacific room. Master taught me to train out all my worries and anger and still must have the same habit. I Pushed open a door to walk into a corridor with doors all around it. The door I needed to go into was a few door down. Once I was in front of the room I pushed the door open to reveal an archery room. Glancing at the targets I realized that they have not been used in a while. I stripped off my weapons and blazer and put them in the closet near the door. I pulled on a brown archery glove and an arm guard as I grabbed my bow and arrows. Preparing myself I strapped the arrow casket on my back and positioned myself to shot. Pulling out the first arrow I pulled the arrow and bow back at eye level as I prepared my shot. I slowly released my fingers and pulled my hand back once my aim was correct. Freezing in my position I watched the arrow fly at the target before just barely hitting the outer ring.

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