miss u

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a/n: calm and wholesome chapter for y'all since every chapter before this one has been stressful :)

today was a cold day. it was december now, and new york has been covered in snow for a couple of days.

i woke up to the smell of karl although he wasn't there. my bedsheets just smelled like him. (not in a weird way yall 😐)

i looked outside to see everything still covered in snow. i liked the snow but sometimes it made it hard to actually get around.

i haven't seen karl for a few days, he's been busy with work at mr beast as well as streaming. we haven't had time to see each other but would still text and call when we could. i missed him but i know i could last a couple of days without seeing him, although it felt more like months.

i yawned and got out of bed and put on fuzzy socks. i went to go brush my teeth and then make coffee.

today was a cozy day because of the weather, plus i didn't have much to do today.

i wonder if karl is busy today i thought.

i went to lay back down on my bed when i got a notification that wilbur is streaming.

i went on to twitch and clicked on his stream. he was on the smp placing random buttons everywhere just to scare people, next to him was niki trying to stop him because she thought it was mean for him to trick people. the wilbur and niki stans were going crazy in the chat, and honestly i was too. they were so adorable, i admired their friendship.

god i miss karl i thought. seeing wilbur and niki be so close made me miss karl's presence.

"i'm definitely in my honeymoon phase" i sighed to myself.

although i wanted to see more wilbur and niki content, i clicked off the stream since it was making me miss karl.

i decided to text him.

good morning luv
what are u doing today

good morning :D
probably just gonna edit and stream

i read his text and actually thought. what was i going to do today? i had nothing much to do-in fact i had literally nothing to do.

probably just resting and stuff
i don't have much to do lol
i miss u :(

i miss u too :'(
i think i can come over today
i don't have much to do either

don't feel pressured to come i get it if u wanna rest today
but it would be very nice to see u :)

i can probably head over in an hour
i'll bring my laptop so i can edit while i'm over there
and i don't feel pressured i wanna see u :O

okok just making sure
i cant wait to see u
it feels like we've been away from each other for months

i tried telling nick about how i feel like i haven't seen you in like a year and he told me i was being overdramatic
guess no one understands how in love we are 🙄

fo real these hoes mad they cant be us 😕
but on an actual note i can't wait to see u

i decided to just stay in what i was wearing. pj pants and a hoodie i've had for years.

an hour went by and i heard someone knock on the door.

"who is it" i said, completely forgetting that karl was coming.

"i don't know" he replied.

my heart skipped a beat and butterflies started to form in my stomach. IT WAS KARL

i ran over to my door and opened it.

"Y/N!" he yelled.

"KARL" i shouted back before running into his arms and suffocating him in a hug.

"i missed you so much oh my god you don't even know" i said.

"not to be controversial but i'm pretty sure i missed you more" he sighed.

"LETS WATCH ADVENTURE TIME" i ran over to the couch and patted the area next to me, "SIT!" i exclaimed.

we watched adventure time for a few hours, it soon got dark outside.

"should we make brownies" i suggested.

"YES" karl immediately jumped up.

we spent an hour putting together a boxed brownie mix, yes an hour.

but in the end, the brownies were...burnt.

"this tastes like...this tastes like what i imagine the color gray to taste like" i sighed.

"that's a good way to describe it" karl laughed.

we spent a few more hours just talking and watching twitch and tv until around 1 am when karl decided to head home.

"be safe!" i hugged him before he left.

"who would attack a manly man like me" his voice squealed.

"true" i shrugged, "but still! don't die please" i joked.

"i'll try" he laughed before leaving.

i went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, smiling at myself in the mirror.

"this boy makes me so happy" i blushed.

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