Chapter One

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Chapter One


"Ugh" I groaned. It was the first day of my senior year and I didn't want to go. I got up out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I hopped in a shower and closed my eyes, thinking.

I had a feeling this year something would happen. For better or for worse.

Once I got out of the shower, I brushed through my long, curly brown hair and put on a little mascara. I dont usually wear much make-up. I put on my skinny jeans, a Beatles top and my favorite black toms. I heard my phone buzzing and I picked it up and saw a message from Steph.

'Almost there!'

'Okay! See you!' I replied.

She always gives me a ride to school since I don't have a car. I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs. I grabbed a cereal bar and looked out the window. I saw her little, yellow convertible pull up my long driveway. I ran outside and climbed in. I saw she had on a pink tee shirt, cutoff shorts, and converse. Her long blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail and she had a little eye shadow on that made her big, brown eyes pop

"Ready?!" She asked excitedly.

"As I'll ever be..." I mumbled. She laughed lightly.

On the way to school we just listened to Taylor Swift's new CD. Once we pulled in I looked up and saw our other best friend Drew.

He was in Hawaii over the summer with his mom and dad so I haven't seen him in months. He had shaggy black hair and green eyes just like mine. I jumped out of the car and ran out to him. I jumped on his back and laughed maniacally. He turned his head slightly to see who it was even though I was sure he knew. He smirked and spun around once.

"Hey Autumn!!" He yelled a little too loudly. I just laughed in response. 

We are like brother and sister but we always have people ask if we're dating. We're not. We've been best friends for about thirteen years now. When we met I was four and he was five. We went to the same preschool and almost instantly became best friends.

"Here comes your buddies, that's our queue." Steph said. I looked over and saw Chace, Billy, and Peter walking over with a crowd of sluts hanging onto them. Drew played football and was extremely popular. All four of them were gorgeous...and the biggest players ever. Peter had short, red hair and big, hazel eyes. Billy had blond hair and deep, brown eyes. Chace was the biggest player of them all. He had light brown hair and electric blue eyes. At some time, every girl at Dubstep High had had a crush in Chace except me or Steph. But, she has liked Billy since eighth grade. I didn't like any one of them.

Drew lightly sat me on my feet and gave me a friendly kiss on the forehead. He knew we didn't exactly care for his friends and he understood. I gave him a big, bear hug and told him I'd see him later.

Me and Steph went to walk away, and as I turned, I locked eyes with Chace and walked inside the school.

Steph murmured something along the lines of, "man-whores."

Chace P.O.V.

"Chace!! Get your lazy ass out of bed! You're gonna be late!" My mom was yelling I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. 7:30. Ugh. I had half an hour to get dressed and to school on time.

I went downstairs after my shower and said a quick bye to my mom before running out and hopped in my new Mazda.

The second I pulled in I saw Drew with a cute, little brunette on his back. When I got out, Mandi was waiting and locked her hand with mine.

We walked over and met up with Billy and Peter. After a few hellos and small smiles at any girl that passed.

We walked towards Drew and the blond said something that made Drew put down the smaller girl and kiss her forehead. They started to walk away and at this time, the brunette looked me in the eyes, and then walked away.

"Oo Drew! Who's the new girlfriend?", Peter asked.

Drew hit him in the back of the head and said, "She's not my girlfriend dumbass. That's my best friend and if any of you ever touch her, your ass is mine."

"Don't worry Drew. Chace has me!", Mandi said in that high pitched voice.

At this the guys started laughing. "Whatever." I mumbled and started walking towards home room with Miss V, the senior physics teacher.

I walked in and went to sit in the back when Miss V cleared her throat and said that she was giving us assigned seats. The majority of the class (including me) groaned and she gave a slight chuckle.

"Now," she started, "I have seated you according to a project later in the year..." I spaced out for a while then I heard "...Kale and Sarah, and finally, Autumn and Chace. Any complaints..." I blocked her out again. Autumn...Autumn...? The name sounded familiar but I didn't realize who it was until I saw a familiar head maneuvering around the students to where I was headed. Avery. The little brunette that was hanging around Drew this morning. At realizing this, a little smirk started to form as I realized, school might be fun this year...


Sorry it's. so short and maybe not that great yet but it just started and as I get more into it, the chapters will get longer and more interesting...(:


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