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  There he was. Her brother. Standing right across from her, with his new family. Wow, I can't believe it. He left us. Just like that. As if we're a pile of trash, meant to be thrown away. She felt betrayed, and hurt. He wouldn't realize but, ever since he left, she had felt empty. She lost a part of her self more and more each day. Well he was her twin after all. They were a pair. Like a set of gloves. When they were younger, they did everything together. He even taught her a few pranking tricks in their first year.

One time, when they were in their third year, they decided to prank Regulus together. It was Christmas and after they all had dinner and returned to their rooms, Sirius and Aurora left a neatly wrapped dark blue box on Regulus's bed. Like any child, he was young and loved presents, so of course he was eager to open it. But boy did he regret it soon after. When he opened the box, a load of gold glitter exploded right on his face. He didn't talk to them for a week after that. And of course, they got yelled at by their parents for their 'foolish' antics.

But those times were over. He had left them. Things would never be the same again. Everything had changed. But to Aurora, what hurt even more was that he didn't even write back to her. Well, he did at first. But then completely ignored her letters a few weeks later.

She would tell herself, He'll come back. Get it together, Aurora. It's only temporary. It soon went from He'll come back to He's gone. So, she tried to hate him. At least the pain and feeling of emptiness would go away if she hated him, right? Because how can you miss someone you hate.

But she was more envious and hurt rather than angry. James Potter and the rest of their group were his new family now. He was free. He was finally away from this household. But what about her?

Aurora would often think about how if Sirius had just gotten into Slytherins things would have gone way differently. For starters, it would give their parents one less reason to see him as a disappointment. He most likely would've never met or befriended James Potter. Mixing those two together is like asking for chaos. But even if he had never met James, he would still be Sirius. He would still be his wild and reckless self.

"Filthy blood traitors!" Walburga muttered. "As soon as he left, they didn't give up on the opportunity to take him in as their own."

Regulus started to tense up, and Aurora put her hand on his shoulder as if to say it's ok, calm down. The three siblings could read each other's expressions like books, thanks to all the quiet dinners they've had.

"Well, I guess it's time to part ways." Walburga said, turning back to Regulus and Aurora. "Now, remember what i told you-"

"Yes, we know mother, no talking to blood traitors, muggleborns, or halfbloods. You say it every year." Aurora sighed, repeating what they always told them before they left for school.

"Exactly. And if you do, then there will be consequences." Orion said sharply. "Now, have a nice school year, you two. And try not to interact with him."

"Bye mother, bye father." Regulus said, as Orion put a hand on his shoulder to say goodbye.

The siblings hastily made their way to the train, passing through the crowds of people. Just as she was walking, Aurora bumped headfirst into someone, causing her to fall down.

"Hey! Watch it will you?!" She said in an angry manner, clearly annoyed.

"Woah, you alright there?" The girl asked.

"Yes, no thanks to you!" Aurora scoffed. By now, more and more students had gotten onto the train. Which meant that almost all of the compartments were filled up.

"Calm down, no need to show attitude.
Here, let me help you up." The girl said while reaching her hand out for Aurora to take it.

But instead, Aurora smacked her hand away, and got up herself, brushing away any dust from her pants. She then huffed and simply walked away from the mysterious girl. The girl had dirty blonde hair that stopped right at her shoulder and a slim but athletic build. She wore a leather jacket with a pair of dark wash denim jeans. She also seemed to have a tattoo on the bottom of her ear, right on the side of her neck. It was a bunch of big and small stars clustered together. But the one thing that caught Aurora off guard was her scent. Smoke, perhaps from cigarettes. But also something else.


CHERRY // marlene mckinnonWhere stories live. Discover now