-thirty seven

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"Well, the thing is...I'm getting married!"

As soon as Narcissa said that, everyone had stopped what they were doing to turn and look at her. Even Regulus and Evan.

But Narcissa's face soon turned into one of confusion. "What? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry I thought you just said that you were getting married." Regulus told her, still not being able to wrap his head around the concept of his cousin getting married at that age. Although it wasn't uncommon amongst pureblood families to get engaged and married at a young age.

"I am." Narcissa clarified.

"Let me guess, Malfoy?" Evan raised his brows in question.

"Well obviously." Narcissa deadpanned.

"I- when- how-" Meanwhile, Veronica was still in shock. "Since when? And why didn't you tell us?!"

"It happened over summer. Apparently his parents and my parents talked about it after he told them. Then we had a romantic dinner by the lake. That's when he popped the question." Narcissa squealed, making it clear that she was hed over heels in love with Lucius Malfoy.

"So, when's the wedding?" Aurora tried to lighten up the subject.

"This coming summer. My mother is already making the preparations and everything." Narcissa explained.

"I guess there's a double wedding this year, huh?" Regulus joked, and Aurora sent him a glare. "What? You know, with you and Ave-"

"Oh shut up! You know I don't want to marry that piece of shit." Aurora yelled at her brother.

"Well you know you're going to have to, with mother and father being so, persuasive." Aurora knew that by persuasive, Regulus really meant abusive and forcefully

"Why are you acting like such a prick all of a sudden?" By now, everyone in their compartment knew what was about to go down. Sibling arguments were the worst. Especially with Blacks. "I thought we had resolved our conflicts before we came here."

"I'm just speaking the truth." Regulus carelessly answered.

"Well I don't give a damn about the truth. It's not even a truth if it isn't going to happen in the first place!" And with that, Aurora left the compartment and slammed the door on her way out.

"You had to do that, mate?" Evan sighed.

"Shut up."

Aurora didn't really have anywhere to go, so she just sat outside their compartment. Her and her mind full of thoughts.

What is up with him?

Is it because he's just sour and bitter that him and Veronica (probably) broke up?

Merlin, sometimes I wish that I was never born in the first place. Or that I was never born into a dysfunctional family like mine.

After she had her moment, Aurora went back in, ignoring Regulus during the whole trip.

  On the other side of the train was another group of girls. talking about their summers and whatnot.

"So Lils, you never told us what happened with you and James after we all left the party." Marlene smirked, teasing her best friend.

"What? What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about." Lily quickly got red, making it obvious that something had happened between the two.

"Oh come on, we're not that dense." Marlene rolled her eyes, nudging Alice. "You stayed even after we all left."

"Nothing happened! And even if something did happen, I wouldn't say anything about it." Lily tried to change the subject, but couldn't help that smile creeping up on her face. The truth was, nothing dirty happened, which was what her friends thought they did. James and Lily cleaned up the whole place, but accidentally ended up falling asleep on the sofa. Together. It was a pretty cute moment.

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