Chapter 8

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The week in the hospital wing was the worst. Waking up in the middle of the night, sweating and panting as I wildly looked around for some kind of reassurance that nothing of the sort I was thinking would happen but knowing better I knew it was an inevitable situation. There's no way in hell I could convince Cedric not to participate in that tournament and just watch and expect some voodoo magic to happen and keep everyone safe.

Soon I was allowed to leave the infirmary all healed but the ankle paining if I had pressured it too much making me slightly limp.

Back to class had seized my attention, keeping me captivated and shut off the rumors that spread about me. I knew this was going to be the last year (hopefully) people treated me like a sane person.

I entered Lupin's class which I presumed as a little late but in reality a lot lately but in time for the complaints to arise about Snape.

I took my seat next (BF/N) in front of the class.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves —"

"— two rolls of parchment!"

"Did you tell Professor Snape we haven't covered them yet?" Remus asked.

Students from all over the class answered his question which I was doubtful on whether he understood or not

"Yes, but he said we were really behind —"

"— he wouldn't listen —"

"— two rolls of parchment!"

I had an odd suspicion that the "two rolls of parchment!"s were from Ron.

Remus smiled. "Don't worry. I'll speak to Professor Snape. You don't have to do the essay."

"Oh no," said Hermione, looking very disappointed. "I've already finished it!"

I blinked at her and shook my head. Goodness!

Moony asked me and Harry to stay behind to "talk".

"I heard about the match," said Remus looking at Harry, "and I'm sorry about your broomstick. Is there any chance of fixing it?"

"No," said Harry. "The tree smashed it to bits."

"They planted the Whomping Willow the same year that I arrived at Hogwarts. People used to play a game, trying to get near enough to touch the trunk. In the end, a boy called Davey Gudgeon nearly lost an eye, and we were forbidden to go near it. No broomstick would have a chance."

I had a smile on my face knowing the exact reason why that tree was planted and where it led.

"Did you hear about the Dementors too?" asked Harry, making me tense as the memories resurfaced and I still didn't know what exactly happened after I passed out.

"Yes, I did. I don't think any of us have seen Professor Dumbledore that angry. They have been growing restless for some time... furious at his refusal to let them inside the grounds... I suppose they were the reason you fell?"

"Yes," said Harry, "Why? Why do they affect me like that? Am I just —?"

"It has nothing to do with weakness," said Remus sharply, "The Dementors affect you worse than the others because there are horrors in your past that the others don't have."

"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth-" He started consoling Harry.

"When they get near me I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum."

My breath hitched as I stared at Moony and I could feel Harry's stare on me. As if he sensed the awkwardness Harry asked another question changing the mood, "Why did they have to come to the match?"

"They're getting hungry," Remus answered, "Dumbledore won't let them into the school, so their supply of human prey has dried up... I don't think they could resist the large crowd around the Quidditch field. All that excitement... emotions running high... it was their idea of a feast."

I gently shook my head, knowing the reason why the dementors were targeting Harry but absolutely puzzled on why they would come to me.

"Azkaban must be terrible," Harry muttered.

I scoffed. "Even more terrible if you're losing your insanity in there, paying for something you have never done"

I said my eyes trained on Moony as I saw the slightest hint of guilt in his eyes. I smirked knowing he had reached a point in the book where his 12 years of decision had been thrown into a dilemma.

But he looked back at Harry, "The fortress is set on a tiny island, way out to sea, but they don't need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they're all trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheery thought. Most of them go mad within weeks."

"But Sirius Black escaped from them," Harry said slowly. "He got away..."

I smiled. You idiot.

"Yes," he said, straightening up, "Black must have found a way to fight them. I wouldn't have believed it possible... Dementors are supposed to drain a wizard of his powers if he is left with them too long..."

I frowned in amazement as if this was a piece of news to me and nodded.

"You made that Dementor on the train back off," said Harry suddenly, and turned to me, "Even you did it on the quidditch match"

"Woah," I raised my hands defensively, "Don't include me in this. Ask him"

"There are — certain defenses one can use," said Moony glaring at me, "But there was only one Dementor on the train. The more there are, the more difficult it becomes to resist."

"What defenses?" asked Harry, always the curious cat, "Can you teach me?"

"I don't pretend to be an expert at fighting Dementors, Harry — quite the contrary..."

"But if the Dementors come to another Quidditch match, I need to be able to fight them —"

"Well... all right. I'll try and help. But it'll have to wait until next term, I'm afraid. I have a lot to do before the holidays. I chose a very inconvenient time to fall ill. You can leave, Harry"

He waited for Harry to leave. "Now tell me where you learned it?"

"Moony I told you that day itself: read the book"

"Even in that case, how could you produce a corporeal Patronus"

"Please, Moony! We both know what I am capable of."

"And please stop talking too much and getting yourself in trouble."

I gasped and placed my hand over my heart in fake hurt. "How could you, Moony?"

"Oh, and I presume your friends told you about the quid-"

"Nah, I only heard the dramatic version"

He chuckled. "But honestly he was concerned"

"Moony! I would be mad if someone wasn't concerned about me falling 50 feet from the air"

"Nuh-huh. That would be news to everyone. Nobody saw you falling." he smirked and quickly ushered me out of the room.

I hated that conversation.

Her Universe, My Residence  (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now