That man?!

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Hi! I just wanna say thank you for atleast having the patience to ready this story. I am truly sorry for the slow update. I wouldn't say that I am busy but I just dont have the motivation to finish it right away or update immediately. Again thanks to you coz I know you are the only one reading this ;-)

*Shamiea's POV

For days, I've been sleeping downstairs. We are currently at province. This is a two-storey wooden house. At ground floor is our bakery and there is a bedroom here. I spent days here reflecting of what's happening. We left our home in Manila to my aunt Joyce for awhile because of the sudden decision of my parents to enrolled us here. My father is working abroad, in the middle east. I just couldn't understand why he doesn't have the courage to fight for his right at work before. He shouldn't be suffering homesick right now if those greedy employees have a sense of obedience. What happened was, after the former president of the Philippines was dethroned, the new administration decided to change all the acting officers that the former president deployed in all departments og government, including my papa's workplace. So supposedly, my papa should have been ascended from his position but those officers didnt budge to move. Anyway, I know that is not only the reason why he left but everybody there seemed to be seeing my papa as an errand boy. Sinve my papa is wise, they kept on depending ob him, so I guess it was worth leaving.

Yes, my dad talked to me over the phone when he knew about yhe idea. I cant seem to find words to respond everything he's asking me like if I am ready ot what. Obviously, my father is against the idea of me getting married. But my mother keeps on saying about good future with them. Seriously, I know theyre rich but does money justify good future? I dont think so. We'll see.

"Are you ready about this? You are so young, you know you have all the right to say no to them", my papa's voice makes me wanna cry. I miss him and he seemed to be the only one that against the idea. Frankly speaking, I dobt know what to choose anymore. Part of me says that perhaps my mother and aunts were right, but the other part gives me so much fear of what might happen. Will I  regret the decision I'll make?" The conversation with my father ended up with me only saying "I don't know". I just feel like there's no permission for me to say bo coz they seemed to agree already and whenevet my aunts and my mother talk to me, they wouldn't even try to ask my decision but only give me advice and encouragement of what I might expect after marriage like my own business, house and investment. I am fifteen year old asian girl who doesn't know how to say or address my side, for crying out loud!

So days go by and it has been confirmed, the wedding is a go. I don't really have the idea of what he looks but I hope he is somehow cute and taller than me. My aunt Sam and my mother accompanied me at market to buy new dresses coz the parents of the groom already gave dowry to prep the entire event. We are now looking for dresses; I dont really know why I dont have dresses, coz I cannot find the reason before why should I dress up beautifully. Maybe because I am not beautiful and no matter how beautiful the dress is, it has no use because im fat. Yes, I am fat. After buying some clothes from casuals to undergarments. I am really exhausted after the shopping using the money from the dowry. I was about to lie down when my mom told me that she already has the picture pfy future husband. When she handed it to me, all I could utter was "that man?!"

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