Booze More Bitches

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"f ck that dude! " Shamiea shove the guy off who was grinding her behind. 

"Hey girl,  loosen up a bit.  He's done. Nothin wrong" said Clare,  her friend.  Shamie dilated her eyes in disbelief.  "are you serious?! He's sticking his freaking bulge behind.  What am i suppose to do?  You know i cant do that! " She went to the couch that theyre occupying.  Clare followed her trying hard to maintain her balance.  It's only been 11pm but Shamie hates it when Clare gets drunk too soon.  "yeah right.  You're trying to tell me once again that Oh no! I can't I am a Muslim thats freaking haram,  and what's haram anyways? " Clare said mockingly. "you cannot possibly give me that shit Sham,  why did you even agreed to go here anyway? I thought you are a Christ-Mus. " Shamiea gulped the liquor she had in hand when she heard about being Christ-Mus.  Of course she is a full Muslim,  her friends only call her that because she drink and go to party; she's a virgin but she had a oral sex with her boyfriends before;she eats pork(only if it too late) but eating it intentionally? No.  "But u dont think grinding me from behind is the way of loosening up. And he is not my type! God knows where his smell came from. " She scraped the mayonnaise then dunking the Nachoz inside her mouth.  "Where is the f cking waiter,  Do you want cocktail? " She lit Shamie a cig.  Puffing the smoke around the full-bass club.  Shamie knows she's not yet drunk but it's starting to affect her a bit.  She lie her back on the couch.  Her hearing seems started to clogged,  she can still hear Clarw shouting 'Booze more bitches!!! '.  Her phone was vibrating,  it shows her father's name. She kinda regain her full consciousness and sit straight.  She read the message 'Where are you now? It's quarter to 12! Astagfirullah! You're a wanderer Muslima! ' I cupped my face and felt mad all of a sudden. Im mad to my father,  why cant i stay late like other people?  Im 18 years but i feel like a prisoner!  Why do i have to keep it a secret,  we are just having fun.  And why oulf Clare invite me anyway?  I shouldn't be here!  Im a f cking sinner!  No i guess it's because of the fucking marriage 3 years ago! I blame my mom,  myself! Why Can't i make good decisions in life? Am i that dumb?! Fuck it all. 

15 minutes later,  she was on the bus taking home.  Clare was disappointed but she agreed when she says she needs to go.  She plugged her earbuds in her ears and played

Into the fire by Thirteen Senses.  She spaced out a little bit.  "Why the f ck am i doing this in my life? "

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