31. Misunderstood

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You groaned as you placed your books in your bag, eyes fluttering to close before you jump awake. You rubbed your hand on your face, feeling fatigue battling your will to stay awake. Baking how many cakes in one night was exhausting, especially when you had school the next day. Haruhi noticed your tired state, placing a hand on your shoulder. " Why don't you take a break during club, I'm sure Kyoya will consider it."

You huffed, swinging your bag over your shoulder. "Why don't you ask him, I still have to bring the cakes over." You left before you could even hear her answer. You loved sleeping, it's one of the best things to do. And when someone disturbs you, you become a beast that no one wants to awaken. It refreshes you, regenerates you, takes you away from your problems and brings you to dreamland. You were like Kyoya and Mitsukuni in a way, except you would throw a dagger at them if they woke you up the wrong way.

When you're tired, your level of annoyance tolerance lessens to about 20-30 % and your irritation increases. But you would try to shove both of them down, waaaay down in your gut. Though, if it's too much for you, you would snap. Haruhi saw it once, while the Host club saw it twice. And you knew what they saw was a scary sight, a sight that they would not want to awaken again.

Irritation bubbled up again when you felt eyes glaring behind your back, making you irately twitch. You swiveled your head, narrowing your eyes to see the culprit. But to your annoyance and irritation again, there was no one in the corridor. You huffed before walking to your destination.

"Y/N-chan, you look tired."

You looked at Mitsukuni, who had a look of sympathy on his face. His guests nodded and hummed in agreement. You sigh through your nostrils. "I had to stay up late to bake these treats for you, the staff at home were on vacation by Siri's orders." You were about to grab the teapot when another pair of hands took them first. You looked to see Takashi, his face laced with concern. He poured the guests their tea before putting back the china. "You should rest." His voice rumbled, clearly worried.

You waved dismissively, a lock of hair going in your face. "Kyoya-senpai said that I could rest after thirty minutes of service, I only have fifteen more minutes before I could sleep." Takashi didn't look convinced, grabbing your hand before pulling you to his lap. You didn't mind the affectionate gesture, snuggling into his chest while getting cozy. "Anyway, how were classes?"

"Hm." Which means good.

"Mitsukuni-senpai told me you were helping a girl in P.E."

"Yeah, her name is Yuri."

You hummed in understanding before squirming in his arms, attempting to escape. "Takashi-senpai, I have to go back to work." He hummed in denial, tightening his arms around you. The guests around you squealed in delight. You sigh, patting his arm. "Come on, Kyoya-senpai will be upset if I'm slacking off."

It took a while to convince him to let you go, but in the end, he released you. You went back to serving the treats to the guests, occasionally pouring tea or other beverages. Before you know it, thirty minutes were done, much to your delight and pleasure. You were cleaning a station when you noticed a girl approaching you. She had beautiful long purple hair and violet eyes that go well together, her curvaceous form shown through the ugly yellow uniform.

You gave her a tired smile, wanting to go and sleep already. "Hello, are you here to request a host?" The girl glared at you, making you wonder if you did anything wrong. "No, I wanted to talk to you. Y/N L/N." You furrowed your brows, your phone opening Siri's contact number behind your back. "And what would you want to talk about?" She smirked. "Stop being friends with Mori-senpai and Kyoya-senpai."

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