14.The Female Manager Part 1

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Elegant Traditional Japanese decorations brought the club room an air of ancient Japan. You felt comfy in your , it's white color with dark blue splashes gave you a magnetic pull, you liked it very much. It goes along with the very well.

You felt your phone vibrate, when you checked, you got a notification from an old friend saying she's coming to Japan. You were surprised, you thought she was gonna still play her games.

You put back your phone and continued to walk around. Tamaki's eyes, for some reason were watery as if he was gonna cry. When you got to the twins table, you were in time for them to explain.

" All the kimonos you see here were all designed by our grandmother." Hikaru said. " If you wish, we're taking orders right now."

" Our grandmother was the one who put them on for us, though" Kaoru added.

Then came the act.

"And of course, it's my duty to take them off, right. Kaoru?" Hikaru huskily said, pulling Kaoru's face closer.

"Hikaru . . . saying that in front f everyone makes me embarrassed." his twin replied, averting his face. His eyes became watery, as if tears are about to flow down.

Mother instincts came on, as you wiped the tears behind their seats. Your face laced with worry. The twins cooed at your sweet actions. " What a sweet angel." Hikaru said, pulling your body to his, now your sitting on his lap. Kaoru held your hand and pulled it close to him. "Your just too sweet like candy, makes me want to eat you up. . . ."Kaoru trailed off, before kissing your hand. You felt your face rise in temperature before hiding your face with your long sleeves.

Cue squealing girls.

Luckily for you, Haruhi whisked you away from them and on to her own station. "Siri's not wrong about you being feminine." You grinned as two girls made way to you and the brunette.

" Haruhi-kun, your kimono look is so cute, too!" one said.

" You look just like a girl!"

Haruhi thanked them, before their attention was on you. " Onii-chan, you look like a prince!"

" Your so beautiful!"

You smiled gently at their kind words. " Thank you."

" Haruhi, you've got designation." Kyoya called from the other side. He was writing with a brush, ink, and on a collection of paper. His kimono was black, fitting his cool yet manipulative persona. "Lately, your flow of designation has become steady, hasn't it? Keep it up." then he turned with a cold smile. "I don't intend on asking you for the interest that was supposed to be included also, so work hard to make the money." Then he gave a closed-eyed smile. " Do not take lightly on the rental fee for that kimono, eh? Be thankful Y/N was able to pay for it."

Haruhi deadpanned before she suddenly looked surprise and turn to you. You tilted your head, curious. "What?"

" You paid for the kimono?" she asked.

You nodded." Yeah, I didn't want to add to your debt." The you turn to find Kyoya calculating away, you figured he's the one that could manage the club without going bankrupt. Suddenly you heard crying and your name being called out.

" Y/N-chan, Haru-chan. "

You turned to see Mistukuni, rubbing his eyes. In one hand a sandal, his feet were bare while the other hand was rubbing away the tears. His kimono following him like a train.

" I lost one of my zouri." he whimpered.

You rushed to him and wiped away his tears, a reassuring expression on your face. " It's okay, it couldn't have gotten to far."

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