💜I love you...💛 {ANGST}

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I decided to do a danganronpa AU for this request, so here we go! Probably gonna cry while trying to write this.

Requested by: HalloItsMe137

3rd person POV

Zander ran into his room. He couldn't believe his eyes with what he just witnessed. His step-sister was dead! Sure he was supposed to be investigating with everyone else, but he couldn't possibly do that. Zander felt like he couldn't trust anyone.. Not even Luke.

He paced around his room, until he herd someone knocking on his dorm door.

"Hey Zander... It's me, Luke. Can I come in? I understand if you wanna be alone right now, but I have something to tell you.." Luke asked, waiting for Zander's reply.

"..Come in.." the pianist replied.

Luke walked into the room. He walked over to Zander and sat next to him.

"I don't know if you'd be comfortable with me telling you about this but..." The drummer paused, as the pianist looked up at him, waiting for his response.

"I'm the culprit.. I'm the one who killed Hailey." Luke finished.

Zander looked at him as if he were insane.

"No... No stop lying to me.. You didn't.. YOU DIDN'T!" Zander got up from the bed, walking backwards slowly. Thousands of thoughts were join through the grape's head.

He's not being serious, right? He's just joking. He didn't actually kill her right? ....right?

Luke walked over to Zander.

"Zander.. It's not what you think, I didn't kill her on purpose.."

Zander made finger quotes "I didn't kill her on purpose. HOW DO YOU NOT KILL SOMEONE ON PURPOSE LUKE?!" Zander was furious and sad at the same time.

Many hours later

Luke's arms were wrapped around Zander. Zander's eyes we're still red from all of his crying.

"You do realize what will happen to you... Right, Luke..?" Zander asked. He couldn't imagine losing both his sister and his best friend. The whole music club minus Milly and Sean were dead already. He couldn't lose Luke too.

"Yeah.. Yeah I do.." Luke answered, rubbing Zander's back slowly.

Zander's grip got tighter.

"I don't wanna lose you.." Zander replied, a tear falling down his cheek once again.

That's right when it happened...

"So uh... I'm getting kinda tired of waiting. How about we begin the class trial now!" Monokuma appeared on the monitor, ready to begin the trial.

This was it. It was all over for the two.

After the trial because I am so lazy

"Guys, before I go... I need you to promise that you'll continue on for me... And for the rest of our club too.." Luke look at Milly, Sean, and Zander.

Zander was crying, while Milly and Sean were trying to hold back their tears.

"PLEASE! DON'T GO!" Zander screamed.

"SHUT UP!" Monokuma shouted. "Now.. I have a very special punishment for our ULTIMATE DRUMMER!"



With that, Luke was never seen again. Leaving Sean, Milly, and of course, Zander behind.

Congratulations you three, you are the survivors of the killing game.

What ever happened to everyone else...?

WC: 520

Note: Hi- I realized how horrible I am at writing sad stuff, so I apologize- but I will try to do way better next time! Thanks for being patient!

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