Same As She Never Was

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Part 2: Same As She Never Was

"Morning, brother," came Klaus' cheery voice as he stepped in the house he and Elijah we're currently living in. He had a satisfied smirk on his face, and had been gone the whole night.

"I trust you left the daughter unscathed," Elijah continued messaging another witch that had a lead on a group of travelers.

"Oh on the contrary brother, she was first. Of many, I assure you." Klaus walked into another room, coming back with a bottle of whiskey. No glass, just the bottle.

"Niklaus you must stop these foolish conquests. Your only destroying yourself." Elijah looked up from his phone, watching Klaus with concern.

"No brother! You are destroying yourself, with all of this false hope!" Klaus stood up and sat the bottle down on the table. "Four months, we've been searching for anything to return her memory. Our mother and that Bennet witch have been searching tirelessly for a spell. And where had it gotten us, 'Lijah? None of us have seen her in months except our dear sister Rebekah and she's not allowed to disclose who she really is. So tell me, brother, what's the point?"

Elijah didn't hesitate to respond. "The point is that we may one day see our beloved Elena once again, instead of this, robot that we've turned her into. She is our salvation, and we will be hers." Elijah clasped his hand on Klaus' shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes. "Have faith, Niklaus."

"Always the wise one," Klaus grinned at his brother, stepping away. "Alas, your hope will be your destruction."

Klaus was gone in a flash and Elijah had frown placed firmly on his lips. He pulled out his phone and dialed Kol, but it went straight to voicemail, so he tried Rebekah.

"Elijah, what's happened? Have you found anything?" Rebekah was immediate as always. She always answered her phone the same way, filled with such hope.

"There is a lead, but I'm afraid Niklaus is out of control. You must keep an eye on dear, Elena, so when you see Kol, inform him that he must get to Maine immediately. Klaus isn't in his right mind, and we may need to detain him." Elijah explained, watching the door incase his brother decided to come back. Klaus had been gone at night, throughout the entire week, always on some silly conquest. Killing and sleeping his way through the town.

"Can I go instead? Kol is a bit, preoccupied." Rebekah looked over at Kol and Elena laughing as if on cue.

Kol, Rebekah and Elena were hanging out, for reasons unknown to Elena, but for the originals it was a celebration of their freedom. The Valentines dance was in a few hours which gave Kol just enough time to sweep Elena off her feet and escort her to the dance.

Thanks to Elijah's vamp-hearing he heard them laughing and instantly his grip tightened around the phone.

"Why are they together," Elijah all but growled into the phone.

"Who? What do you mean?" Rebekah pretended to be clueless. She knew he wouldn't believe her, but at least she could delay the inevitable.

"Rebekah," Elijah growled, in a warning tone. He was always the best at containing his emotions, but his jealousy always got the best of him.

"Okay, okay, Kol accidentally bumped into her," Rebekah lied for her brother, feeling like she owed him for getting rid of the daggers. "He can't just leave right now, but I can. I can say there was a family emergency or something."

"Very well," Elijah replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. "But would you ask Miss Bennette if she would be willing to stay in the dorm the entire night. I don't trust that Kol's intentions are entirely pure."

"Of course," Rebekah replied quickly, with a bright smile on her face. "Thank you."

Elijah hung up and Rebekah ran towards Kol and Elena.

"My brother just informed me that he may have found my birth mother," Rebekah lied, sending a code to Kol and his ears instantly perked up.

"Really? Where?" Elena stood up, looking at Rebekah excitedly. Elena loved being friends with Rebekah, because she was normal and Elena really needed some normal in her life.

"Maine, I'm flying out there tonight. My brother is busy with his...friend and can't go, so I need to fill in for him." Rebekah smirked secretly at Kol, when Elena looked away to process. "He's so going to owe me."

"Do you want me to come with you? For support." Elena looked at Rebekah concerned. If Elena was an original then she thought Rebekah wouldn't be safe. The irony was that, Rebekah was probably stronger than she was.

"No, you and Kol go to the Valentines dance, have fun. I'll be back before you even notice." Rebekah smiled at Kol, warning him to watch over Elena and to keep her safe.

" careful?"

"Always, see you later." Rebekah pulled Elena in for a tight goodbye hug, walking back to their shared dorm to call Bonnie.

" do you know Rebekah?" Elena asked Kol, awkwardly.

"She's a family friend," Kol replied, equally as awkward. They didn't have much to talk about, now that they didn't really know each other. Well, Kol knew everything about her and she didn't even know who he was, awkward?

"Okay, this is awkward." Elena laughed looking up at Kol, "I think I'm gonna go back to my dorm."

Elena started to turn around but Kol grabbed her arm, immediately. "No, Elena, the truth is I wanted to see you again, so I convinced Rebekah to bring you here so I could ask you to the Valentines ball."

"Really? All of that, for me? We just met yesterday." Elena giggled a little bit, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Well, I really like you, and I don't want to miss out." Kol, for once, was being honest, except he didn't like her, he was in love with her. He couldn't exactly say that though.

"I-I know it's weird but... I feel like I've known you my entire life. Is that weird?" Elena looked at him, chuckling. Kol stared at her as a slow smile out up his his face. When he didn't respond she bit on her lower lip, nervously.

"Not at all." Kol smiled brightly, feeling his thousand year old heart skip a beat at the thought of her remembering. "So, I'll pick you up at your dorm later?"

"I'd like that," Elena agreed, turning around with a nervous smile as she walked away. She glanced over her shoulder to see that Kol was staring at her with a smile across his face.

Elena got back to the dorm at the same time Rebekah was leaving with a bag slung over her shoulder.

"I hope you find her," Elena smiled, pulling Rebekah into a tight hug. Elena was referring to Rebekah's mother, but Rebekah only thought about trying to find the real Elena.

"I hope so too," Rebekah smiled genuinely, with a little bit of tears in her eyes. Elena seemed happy, kind and everything that she was before, but she wasn't the same.

They would find a way to bring her back. A way to save Elena.

A/N: I'm sorry! So so so sorry! It has been forever and for that I'm sorry. If I'm truly taking forever to update post something on my wall and say which story you want me to update. Honestly I completely forgot about this story. SORRY! Don't hate me? Please!

P. S. I probably shouldn't try to write another story right now, but I have a Kai and Elena story out. I ship them so hard and if you like them check it out!

Love You All!(;

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