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Klaus had smelled Kol all over Elena when he had seen her at the dance. He was enraged, but it soon faded. He would let Kol enjoy his time with her now, because soon it would be too late. He had plans brewing for both of his brothers. And Rebekah if she got in the way.

"Enjoying your evening?" Klaus asked the pair, eyeing Elena up and down. He didn't want to scare her off, but she was stunning. Before she could answer, he knew he wanted to get her away for a moment. "I have a piece here tonight. A painting."

"Are you serious? This place is packed with so many rich, influential people. That is incredible. I have to see it." Elena gushed, her hand brushing against his arm in support. She always wished she could do something like that; sing, paint, dance or something interesting.

"I'd love to show you, love, it's upstairs. Perhaps...." Klaus trailed off, a smirk coming across his features as he turned to his brother, "you could grab some drinks and meet us up there?"

Before he could even respond, Klaus held out his arm for Elena to grab and follow. He always took control of situations early on, to avoid surprise. That's why he had planned the art gallery in the first place, making it lavish enough to catch Kol's attention. He was sure his brother would show and bring Elena.

It gave him an opportunity to see her. He knew, if he were in a side by side competition with Kol, he could easily surpass. He didn't just want to win his girl back, he wanted to rub it in Kol's face while doing so. He wanted to punish him for trying to do the same thing in the first place.

"So, are you interested in the arts?" Klaus asked, knowing the answer. She had loved to watch him paint and draw and often commented about her desire to excel at any art form. But her true passion was with helping people.

She was studying to be a doctor, and without any distractions she was doing very well. There were times she worried about not graduating, but she was truly making her way through college.

She shrugged, "I guess, I don't do this often, but everything is beautiful."

They stepped into the elevator; the only two in there. Klaus planned everything down to the last detail. Everyone there was compelled and under his control. No one would be bugging them the whole night or getting too close.

"Are you and Rebekah close?" The brunette asked curiously, leaning against the handrail. She couldn't believe that Rebekah never even mentioned having a brother. Her first interactions were unsettling, but seeing him tonight he seemed like a perfect gentleman.

"Very much. I've spent more of my life with her than anyone else." Klaus revealed. "I believe that few things come before family."

"Like?" Elena pushed further. She wanted to get to know him, for Rebekah's sake, but also she was curious. She wanted to know his opinions, she wanted to know how he had gotten so skilled in art at such a young age. To be at such a lucrative exhibit was impressive.

"Power." He admitted. He didn't want to put on a false act for her, she fell for his true nature before, why shouldn't she this time.

"Is that how you got so far in your career? Putting it first?" She asked, not disappointed with his answer. She would always put Jeremy above her career, but she respected his dedication. And he still seemed to have a good relationship with his sister.

"That's not the kind of power I'm talking about," he spoke slowly. He watched as the doors pulled open, knowing their conversation was over.

The tension seemed to spill from the elevator, as if they were drowning and could finally breath. The bumbling of conversation filled their ears and the exhibit upstairs was full of brighter colors.

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