Valentines Dance

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"I've never seen so much pink hearts." Kol looked around the room, with a nervous expression.

He was good in crowds - always the charmer. He was okay with Valentine's Day, in fact it was the best time for a date. However, he wasn't entirely comfortable being with Elena when she didn't remember.

It felt weird. She was herself, but entirely different at the same time. He wasn't quite sure how to act around her anymore. He had to admit, though, it was a relief to see her so happy all the time. Her face didn't show any of the sorrow or hidden pain she carried before.

"If you don't want to be here, we can go back to the dorm," Elena suggested, smiling at him. Bonnie was going to be in the dorm all night, so Elena wasn't worried about being alone with him. She had to remind herself that she had only just met him and shouldn't trust him so soon. She had a bad history of trusting bad people.

"Are you suggesting that a handsome man like myself, should be alone in a dorm, with a sexy little minx, like you - especially in that dress..." Kol trailed off, letting his eyes fall over her dress, admiring her figure. His hand slid into her own and he kissed her knuckles, almost blushing at the adorable look on her face.

"Your pretty bold for a first date." Elena giggled, pushing a piece of hair out of her face. Kol's eyes immediately went back to her face as he remembered that this was only their first date.

Elena had been dating all three of them, yet none of them had taken her on a date. They always got so caught up in their vampire drama, that this was the first time Kol had felt like a human on a human date.

"What can I say, darling? I'm a bold guy." He grinned down at her, once again, entranced by her little red dress, enticingly low cut. He almost didn't let her leave her room, the dress revealed too much and he didn't want to share her. Not any part of her.

Instinctually, he trailed his hand away from hers and ran it along her waist, until her finally rested it on the small of her back. He brought her body flush against his own. The action seemed like it was burned into his head, it was so easy to be so close to her, even without her memory. He considered the idea of leaving everything as it was. Letting her forget her past and just be happy and in the moment.

"Maybe we should slow down?" Elena broke his thoughts, not feeling comfortable anymore. She loved his boldness, but something didn't feel right. Or maybe, she considered, it feels too right. It felt as though she had found her soul mate. "I'll grab us some drinks?"

He nodded, not trusting his own voice. It did still crush him a little that he would have to start over, but it almost felt like a small price to pay. He beamed brightly as he watched his beauty making her way through the crowd and stopping at the punch bowl.

Elena turned around, feeling his gaze on her. She smiled happily, in a daze and also incredibly nervous. She had so many other things to worry about, but it all faded to the background. Like Kol, she enjoyed the idea of moving on and not worrying about the past.

"Hey, Elena, right?" A boy with curly blonde hair tapped her on the shoulder, holding an adorable smile on his face. Elena felt a pang of hunger as she listened to his pumping blood. "I was wondering if you wanted to dance?"

His name was Trevor and he was in one of her Thursday classes, she couldn't remember which one. He always seemed sweet.

"Sorry, mate, she's taken," Kol interjected. He couldn't risk losing her, especially not to some human. "Shall we, darling?"

"Actually," she looked Kol in the eyes, "I'm going to be right back, I'm going to the restroom."

Kol wanted to scoff at the idea of her trying to compel him. But he knew he would be in deep trouble if her revealed their cover, so he mimicked her words and watched as she led the poor boy to the hallway.

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