The Queen (~20 years later~)

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It had been a long time since CC took her place as a ruler. Things haven't always been smooth, but thankfully because of her friends, she's been amazing. As she sat in the throne room of the huge castle, she heard the doors open up and saw her Assistant coming into the room. "Your majesty, I'm sorry I'm a little late! I had other things that needed to be taken care of but I promise it won't happen again!" Sonia replied frantically. "Sonia, please! It's ok! You don't have to be sorry! In fact, I'm kind of glad things aren't always perfect around here. It helps me feel somewhat normal." she replied happily. "W-Well thank you! I appreciate it. I just had to gather some things for today too." she added. "Well, what is it that I have to focus on today?" CC asked her.

"According to my agenda, you have a discussion with the Mayor of the small town, your Secretary needs to discuss financial needs for the homeless and hungry children of the local orphanage, and you also have a council meeting with your Pack and you'll be discussing ideas on how to improve the structure. Especially since Ravens and Tigers are still very tense with one another." Sonia replied as they walked around the castle. "Thank you, Sonia! I appreciate it. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with everything if not for you!" she thanked as they approached the dining hall. "You're welcome, your majesty!" Sonia replied. "Oh, Sonia please! You've been my Assistant for more than ten years! You can call me CC like everyone else!" CC reassured. "Ok then! Thank you CC!" she responded.

When they sat down for lunch, two girls came out with dishes. This time it was grilled cheese with a side of french fries and apples. "Smells delicious, as always! Thank you Bella N. and Kate!" CC thanked. "No problem! Let us know if you need anything!" Kate replied and the two walked away. Once they finished eating, they both headed outside into the public where Brenna and Hannah were guarding them against any potential enemies. "So what are you gonna tell the Mayor this time?" Brenna asked as they walked. "Well first, he needs to get things together! It's his job to make sure people can get along! We are all equal. Our breed shouldn't matter. And with Paige working with him, it hasn't been much easier." CC replied. "Maybe you can straighten him out. You're good at that!" Hannah replied.

They all had a small laugh before meeting up with him. "Oh, why hello your Majesty! It's an honor to see you again!" the Mayor greeted and tried to go up and hug her. "Ahem. You will stand where you and compose yourself in an appropriate manner." CC warned and flicked her tail. Brenna and Hannah also drew closer to her showing they meant business. "Ah, yes, of course. How foolish of me. Anyway, I imagine you all here to discuss business with me considering the tensions between breeds that have been fighting. Well, I would like to say in response, I have tried my very best. But you see, having... her as my assistant has not made anything easier. Is it possible to replace her?" he explained in such a vain tone. "Without making anything worse, Paige is one of my loyal subjects. Though she has an awful record, as the Queen, I try to see past that and give people second chances! But if you have a problem, I can give her your spot." CC replied firmly.

Quickly, the Mayor's expression changed and he put on a fake smile. "No, I don't have a problem. I will continue to work hard." he replied sharply. "Good. I would expect nothing less. Now, if you don't mind, I would like it if you gave this to Paige. Tell her the Queen came by." CC snapped and turned around to walk out. The others smirked at him and they followed her out the door. "Well, that was quick!" Sonia replied. "I live in the fast lane. Where to next?" CC asked. "The orphanage, it's where Ms. Pari likes to work." Sonia replied. "Yes, I know! She's good with them. I'll also get a chance to see my sister and brother!" CC replied happily.

Hearing the Queen and the rest of them come up, the orphans rushed up and went to go see her. "It's her!" they cheered as they went to get a better look. CC greeted them happily and passed out cookies that they happily took. Yanira and Perrin soon rushed out the doors to see their sister who finally arrived. "SIS!" they both cheered, their stripes and speckles were now yellow, and they both had new abilities. "It's so good to see you!" Yanira greeted. "Same to you! How's everything?" she asked. "Not too bad. But we're glad you were able to come!" Perrin replied.

They soon all walked inside the main building. When they marched up the stairs, they opened the door to see Pari sitting at her desk, two children at her side. "Mommy! Come on! I'm hungry!" one of them pleaded. "Mom!" the other wailed. "Busy huh?" CC whispered to Yanira. "She's grown quite attached to these two. They've also grown onto her very much! So she doesn't mind when they call her mom. But she's happy to get a break when she can!" Yanira replied happily. "Hang on a sec! I've been trying to sort this-" Pari pleaded and panicked when she saw her friend standing at the door. "My goodness! I-I am so sorry your majesty! I will fix this and then-" Pari replied and got up quickly, the other two chasing after her. "Hey little guys. I'm not sure if you know who I am, but me and your mom have to talk for a bit. Can you go outside and eat these cookies for me?" CC asked them cheerily handing them cookies.

Both nodded quickly and raced outside the door. "Heh, they're cute!" CC said to Pari once she got up from the ground. "Ha! Thank you! They are really something. Anywho! I know you've gotten the message about money needed for the orphanage. I know getting more money would've been easy if we didn't have to worry about the castle's personal expenses. For example, outfits come in every day, new accessories come into the castle quite frequently, then there's also new supplies for the castle-" Pari began to read. "Wait what? Why isn't the money going here?" CC asked stunned. "I'm not sure. When I looked through these orders, I saw they were being controlled by the Treasurer who was worried more about your needs apparently. I tried getting him to change it but he won't!" Pari replied frustrated.

"Well, you can tell him that the Queen said to change it! My subjects come before myself! Besides, I've got enough outfits to last me in the afterlife! I appreciate the update because I was unaware of this! If you have any problems, tell him he can come to me!" CC replied and put a cookie on her desk before walking away. Pari smiled and took a bite of the snickerdoodle CC had made for her. "Well, that wasn't too hard either!" Sonia replied. "I try my best, but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing it right." CC replied. "I couldn't imagine a better Queen!" Sonia replied. They all walked back to the castle and the butlers and maids all greeted them. "Sir Micheal, please prepare everything for my guests to arrive. I want things to be ready by the council table. My brothers should be the first to arrive." she ordered. "Yes your majesty." he replied.

A few hours went by and the first few arrived. "Hey sis! Good to see you again! Let's just say settling things between Spartans and Phoenix's has not been easy!" Jose greeted as he and Vincent walked in. "Why do you think I gave you both the job?" she giggled. "Torture us?" Vincent laughed and they settled into their seats. Mia, Campbell, and Nathalie G. soon walked into the place and were greeted warmly. Brianna C. and other Huskies came into the room, soon the other felines and the Ravens and Raptors followed as they were seated in the room. Everyone was excited to see one another, not caring about what they were at all which was the goal they were heading towards with these meetings.

"So CC, what plans do you have this time?" Emery asked intently. Everyone was smiling and waiting for what she had to say. CC placed her elbows on the table and laid her chin in her fists.

"Get settled. This is gonna be a long one!" 

The End

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