Will They Make it?

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Both girls had finally made it through the huge chunk of the cave, coming across a bunch of ice and snow. "This is crazy, I feel like we've been going around in circles." Paige sighed. "Haven't you been around?" CC asked her. "No, not really, I only found those cages because we made it here way earlier. Otherwise, I haven't seen much dragon magic or essence anywhere." she replied. CC pulled out the stones and the torn diary and tried to figure out what they should do. "Wait, how'd you get the stones?" Paige asked her, surprised. "While you guys were busy trying to kill each other, I retrieved the stones to try to break my friends out of the cages. But you crashed into me before I could do anything. I found this diary before you even captured us though." CC replied.

She made the stones illuminate and she tried her best to read the writing in the dark. 

This night seems to be a long one. I don't think the faithful structure will stand much longer. I tried my best to make things right. But sadly there's been an intervening of everything. My daughter has done something I can't even begin to comprehend. But even my mighty ice dragon can't undo what she has done. I just lay here tonight hoping that in 6,000,000,000 moons, someone will rise and undo the mistakes I have made. But then again. People never seem to change...


"6,000,000,000 moons? Dang, that's like... gosh I can't do the math!" CC cried. "It's around 500,000,000 years... so that means whatever event happened here happened right as he was gonna die. He seems pretty desperate." Paige noticed. Right then the stones began flickering slowly, then they heard a huge roar among the cave. "What was that?" Paige asked, freaked out. "I don't know, but I don't think I like it!" CC cried. Suddenly, rocks began to fall all over the place. "RUN!" CC cried and they tried their best to dodge the rocks and the caverns that fell down.

Many of them were huge and some even had ice still attached to them which made it even more difficult. They saw a small opening nearby and rushed near it hoping to escape. It was small but they tried using their powers to break it open. "C'mon! Please open up!" CC begged. More rocks began to fall down and they didn't know what to do. "I'll handle these over here! You work on getting the hole open!" Paige told her and they worked together. Paige tried her best to stop rocks with her magic and her mind. CC was doing her best to open it up but then realized another problem. "I can't keep it stable! With all those rocks falling this keeps shifting! I can't keep this up! We're not gonna make it!" CC cried.

When the next huge rock fell down, Paige knew what she had to do. "No, it's just that I won't make it!" Paige replied. CC looked at her confused but then realized what she meant when she was pushed through the hole. "Go! You can fix this! I can handle it from here!" Paige told her. "No, you've got to get out of there!" CC cried. "Thanks, CC... for everything." she whispered before a huge rock blocked CC from exiting the space where she was. After a moment all she could hear was the crumbling of rocks and collision with the sides of the cave. After a moment everything seemed still and CC didn't hear anything.

You didn't deserve this ending. CC thought and decided she didn't have much of a choice but to keep moving forward. When she took a look at where she was, she saw that it was a huge part of the cave that the floor was covered with ice and snow. Suddenly she stepped on something that made a weird crackling sound under her foot. She looked under her foot and saw it looked like, "A dragon scale!" CC cried. The stones can help me find the dragon! I have to... after what Paige and my family have done for me... I have to! CC thought to herself. She took out the box and held out a few of the stones that began to glow. "Help me find your keeper!" CC instructed.

For a minute, nothing happened until they were together and sensed the dragon nearby. They lifted off the ground and went fast into the distance almost making CC lose them. "Oh no! Wait up!" she cried as she flapped her wings to catch up with the stones. Wherever that dragon is, I must be getting close!

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