A Choice

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CC and Paige had crashed into rocks and ledges before finally falling into the ground. The stones fell right by CC's side and she couldn't feel herself move. For a long time, she laid on the ground not able to move and she didn't feel like going anywhere. A few hours went by, she finally recovered from the rough fall and carefully stood up. Her nose had stopped bleeding and she stretched her wings out before looking around. At her sides were all 50 stones and she used her strength to make them float all around. She checked her backpack and found a small drawstring bag where she placed it inside. When she tried to stand up, she shook from all the wind being blown out of her.

She limped all around the place and thought about her friends and might've happened to them. I'm coming... just gotta figure out what to do... CC thought to herself as she got up from the ground. All of a sudden she heard a moan from behind her. As CC turned around, she saw Paige hobble over towards CC. Not knowing what Paige was capable of, CC stood her ground and stared at Paige angrily, blood spilling from between their teeth. Paige took one step forward, reached out for CC, then fell over and crashed to the ground. CC was taken aback by all of this and didn't know what to do. I better get out of here while I can! She thought. In the back of her mind, she knew that Paige probably deserved to die on the ice-cold ground. I'll let the ancestors have mercy on her! She deserves to rot alone after what she's done! But then she looked back for one minute. Despite all Paige had done, CC knew she couldn't do it. I'm no Wildcat... and even if she almost got my friends killed, we're the same breed. The Phoenix way...

Finally, CC used her remaining strength to lift Paige on her back. Once she was secured, she decided to walk for a little bit. From where they were, it looked like hidden underground caves. For a long time, the two were just wandering around curious where they might end up. CC finally saw a small cave nest where she placed the unconscious Paige on the ground. She wiped her forehead and sat down for a minute. I could leave here with some food and water... she could find her own way now... after all, she isn't my problem!

CC thought for a minute and knew she couldn't just ditch Paige or she'd be no better than the Wildcats themselves. Ugh... fine.

She searched through her backpack and found a thick chain that she knew would keep Paige in check if she tried anything. She tied in around Paige's left ankle and put a rock near where she cast a spell making it attach to the ground. Now that she was secure, CC wondered if she should deal with her injuries. CC looked at herself with a small mirror and used some bandaids she had and put them on small cuts on her face and legs. She had a huge scratch on her hand so by using her other hand and her teeth, she bandaged herself. "That was easy enough." CC thought aloud. She looked back at Paige who had a cut on her forehead. It's the right thing to do CC...

That's when she wrapped bandages around her arms, put bandaids on her forehead, and put a splint on her leg. That's when CC noticed how damaged her wing was and freaked out for Paige. "Oh no..." she cried aloud. CC knew what happened to Phoenix's like her. They'd cut her wing off, replace it, and be given the title of a useless Wildcat. She didn't ask for any of this... she was manipulated. CC told herself trying to see the brighter side of Paige instead of just the evil. Checking her backpack, she found a water bottle and guzzled down most of it. CC couldn't stop thinking about the wing. The bone was badly torn, it barely was connected, and it was twisted horribly.

"Even though Phoenix's are the most powerful and we can heal on our own, there's no chance of it healing if the bones here and here are torn to the extent of the damage." CC recalled Mr. Caudill's voice telling her class that. "The only Phoenix's allowed to maintain their status after damage like this were high executive leaders and as well as high-status wealthy women. Times have changed but that doesn't apply to everyone still to this day. Phoenix's would be better off dead in that case, to be honest!" CC also recalling Mr. Palmieri's voice recalling the points of Phoenix history. She wanted to badly prove them wrong, but she even knew there was no hope.

Paige still moved from time to time, but she didn't wake up yet. CC kept her wings on fire trying to warm them both up but of course, ice and snow still fell onto them. When snow fell onto Paige's face, CC took the chance to wipe the moist frozen liquid across her lips. There were moments where CC couldn't handle her stomach growling. Looking into her backpack, rations were small but didn't hesitate to sink her teeth into a stale bun that she had. I don't know how long we'll be here... but you better wake up soon!

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