3. Mine

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*Sarah's p.o.v*

The dangerous liquid poured down and I backed away quickly. Why did the pretty girl leave me. Didn't she hear me? I said I loved her! So why did she go?!

"Oh, confound it!" Winnie said. She leaned forward and tasted the substance. My eyes widened.

"Winnie!" Mary shouted in worry.

"Shut up!" Winnie silenced her. "It is but water!" Mary leaned forward and tasted it as well.

"Most refreshing" Mary stated. I finally leaned forward and stuck my tongue out. Yummy

"Ahh…it is!" I agreed.

"You idiots. The boy has tricked us, and he’s stolen the book. After them!" Winnie demanded. We hurried outside, but stopped in front of a strange, black, long thing.

"Tis a black river" Mary stated.

"Perhaps it is not to deep" I suggested. I placed my foot out to test it, but Mary and Winnie pushed me in. "Ahhhh!!" I screamed in fear. Nothing happened. I didn't sink. I began to hop around and laughed a bit. This is fun. "‘Tis firm!"

Winnie stepped out onto the firm solid with me.

"Careful, Winnie!" Mary warned.

"‘Tis firm as stone!" I informed as I continued to bounce around.

"Why, it’s a road!" Winnie said in realization. "Sisters, my book!"

We began to head in the direction the kids and my girl went, but we stopped and screamed in horror as a big bright red thing came towards us making a loud sound. We quickly ran and hid.

*Y/N's p.o.v*

We followed Max as he guided is towards a cemetery. The black cat from before was in front of him.

"Whoa, whoa. This is a graveyard!" Max said to the cat which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"It’s hallowed ground. Witches can’t set foot here" The cat said. My eyes widened and Max looked back at us.

"He talks" Max stated. Yeah, no kidding

"Follow me" The cat said. We all entered the graveyard. "Over here, I want to show you something. Give you an idea of exactly what we’re dealing with"

The cat stopped on top of a gravestone that read ‘William Butcherson’ Lost Soul.

"William Butcherson? Lost Soul?" Max asked.

"Billy Butcherson was Winifred’s lover, but she found him sporting with her sister Mary, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle. So he couldn’t tell her secrets, even in death. Winifred always was the jealous type" The Cat exclaimed.

"You’re Thackary Binx" Allison said in realization. I looked over at her in shock. The kid we learned about in school?

"Yes" Binx said as he dipped his head.

"So the legends are true" Allison said with a smile.

"Well, come along. I want to show you something else" Thackary said as he stepped off the grave. We quickly trailed after him, not wanting to lose the cat, as he blended in with the dark night sky.

*Sarah's p.o.v*
*Sanderson cottage*

Two people left out house muttering to themselves. We hid in the bushes.)

"Who are they?" Mary asked.

"Boys...gross" I said in disgust.

"Witch hunters!" Winnie answered. "Observe, they wear black robes, and carry axes to chop the wood to burn us!"

Crazy Witch (YANDERE! Sarah Sanderson x FEM! HUMAN! reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now