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Today's the day. The day that my two best friends get married. Nadia has been a nervous wreck all morning, she's convinced that Carl isn't going to turn up. But I'm 100% certain he will, I've seen the way he looks at her. It's exactly the same way I look at steak. That's how I know it's true love. It seems like there's  a whole parade around Nadia trying to make her look perfect, but she doesn't need the parade for that. She is one of the most beautiful, elegant people I've ever witnessed. 

I sat with Nadia's sister and Carl's cousin on the couch as we waited for Nadia, we all kept our make up natural with loose curls in our hair. The girls were talking about the usual tradition of weddings and the fact that one of us will have to sleep with one of the groomsmen. I can confidently say right now I will not be taking one for the team. Nadia finally emerges from her room and she looks like an actual goddess.  I can see the glow and excitement in her face. I run over to her and embrace her, squeezing her as I do so. 

"Okay, as rare as this is from you Luna, and as much as I'm enjoying it. Stop hugging me and lets get into our dresses!" She exclaims as we all enter her bedroom. After pulling up many zippers, we were all finally in our dresses. I'm grateful to be Nadia's bridesmaid, purely because she has super good taste and picked the most gorgeous golden dresses for us, even if it is slightly on the revealing side. Nadia's dress was simply beautiful, it was very similar to Bella's from Twilight. It hugged her body in all the right ways, I actually felt myself tearing up at the sight of my best friend. 

The cars finally arrived to take us to the wedding. I squeezed Nadia's hand as she climbed into her one with her father. She mouths 'I love you.' And closes the door behind her. We emerge into our car and follow her to the church. When we get there she's already stood at the doors, I swear I can hear her heart pounding from here. 

"You ready?" I smile at her whilst holding her hands, she nods frantically. The doors open and us bridesmaids walk in first, I look around and see many familiar faces. I saw the lady from our regular café, and I also saw Dave. I can't believe she invited him. That means so much to me. He looks absolutely adorable in his suit. I'm guessing it's one of Carl's. He's sat next to a lady around his age and I can see a glow in his face, I think they've hit it off. 

We continue walking down the aisle, and I continue to see more familiar faces. When we get closer to our seats I see a face I just wasn't ready to see yet, Harry's. This startles me, so much that I completely forget how to walk like a normal person. I stand on Carl's cousins dress accidentally, causing her to trip in front of everyone. I gasp and place my hands over my mouth. She quickly gets up and turns to glare at me quickly. I mouth 'sorry' to her and hurry to our seats. I glanced over to Harry on the way and he was chuckling at my misfortune, I can't help but smirk at that. 

Nadia soon enters and everyone stands and turns to her. She's captured everyone's attention, except Harry's. While I watch her walking down the aisle, I can see Harry staring at me from the corner of my eye. It's taking everything inside of me not to look back. I hope I don't have to talk to him later, I know I completely overreacted about what happened that night. It just shocked me, it was so unexpected. 

Nadia and Carl reunite at the alter, taking each others hands and saying their vows beautifully. Carl has tears streaming down his face, which earns a few 'aws' from Nadia's older relatives. I smile as I watch my best friends, absolutely in love with their relationship. I hope if I ever get married, they'll feel exactly the same as I did today. Proud beyond explanation. 

Once the ceremony was finished we headed to the after party,  which I was ecstatic for. After parties are the best excuse to excessively drink without being judged by anyone else. I have a look on the board of the seating plans to see who I'll be sitting with. I'm on a table with the other bridesmaids, David and the woman he was sat with, Chris and... Harry. 

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