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I connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and begin to play 'feel good' playlist, which includes artist such as Train, Coldplay and Rascal Flatts. There are loads more artists on there, they're just my favourite one's out of the bunch. I drag myself out of bed and stick the kettle on as I dance with Monroe, today's going to be a good day, I can just feel it. Once I've made my coffee I walk over to my desk and sit on my stool. I sigh and look a myself in the mirror, I just have zero effort to do anything to my face today. I apply some mascara and lip gloss and decide that's all I can be bothered to do. I do make more effort with my hair, I put a curling wand against it a few times to create natural waves. When it comes to clothes I've never really worn anything with much colour. I suit neutral colours too well to try and mix it up at all, which is one reason I'm dreading what Nadia is going to put me in for the wedding. I can imagine me looking like on of those China dolls. I opt with a black shirt that has three buttons on the front and some high waist blue skinny jeans. I slide on my blue vans, I'm surprised I'm ready this quick. I'm usually fashionably late. I sit on the settee with Monroe and finish my coffee. Time flies before my eyes and Nadia's calling me to tell me she's outside. 

I walk down the steps to see her sitting in her new Nissan Juke that's she's totally obsessed with, I have to give it to her it does look good. I'm not sure if I would personally get it in a cherry red colour though, I think it would look better in black. I hop into the passenger seat and close the door behind me, Nadia looks at me with a beaming smile on her face, it's almost creepy. "What on earth has you so happy today?" I ask. 

"I just have a good plan set up for today. So we go to our usual café to get takeaway coffees, then we're going to get some last minute bits for Christmas. And then I was thinking we could get something from that local bakery for on the way home." She continues to smile as she pulls away from my house. I shrug and just watch our surroundings change. I know I don't have a choice in the matter, Nadia is a complete control freak. She writes everything out in advance so she doesn't forget anything, I dread to think how Carl has felt planning a wedding with her. I wouldn't change her for the world though, someone has to remember my doctor appointments.

We pull into the usual car park and get out of the car. Nadia goes into the café to get the coffee's she pre ordered on the phone as she waited for me to be ready.  I don't bother to ask which shops we're going to, because I know I'm just going to get dragged to all of them anyway. We go to Superdry first, she keeps telling me about how she wants to get Carl a new coat. I don't really have anyone to buy for, I get all of my mums presents sent to her through Amazon. I guess I could get Dave a coat that actually fits him and will keep him warm. I pick up a nice, thick grey coat and check the size. XL. He's not a big guy, but if he has a few layers on a bigger size may be good for him. We pay for our stuff and walk around a few other stores. Nadia sends me away at some point because she doesn't want me to know what she's getting for me. 

I should get Chris a present really, he gets me such a good one every year and I usually just give him a scratch card. I look in Topman at the scarves they sell, Chris is definitely a scarf guy. He could rock anything he wanted to really. I've never been too great at buying guys gifts, I could get him a wallet I guess? Nadia calls me to tell me she's done and to meet her by the pretzel stool outside. I quickly finish up my shopping and head down there to meet her. 

"So, what did you get me?" I ask. 

"Sending you away would've been completely pointless if I were to tell you anyway." She rolls her eyes as she continues to walk through our small city centre, she stops and looks through a few windows every now and then but never walks in. We walk for a few minutes until we approach a little bakery. I look through the window, it's cute. There's a few tables and chairs in there, but nothing massive. "I don't have any plans today, shall we sit in for a while?" She asks, and I nod my head in response. 

We walk in and it's pretty quiet, but it has a few older people sat on the tables. Nadia demands I grab us a table as she orders. I oblige and pick a table that's next to the window, I love people watching. You get some odd people out there sometimes. Nadia returns with two drinks, I'm not surprised when they turn out to be coffee's, I think this girl has a genuine caffeine addiction. A sweet older lady approaches our table with two bacon sandwiches, I think it's one of the best one's I've ever seen. We both tuck into our food, and me being the absolute lady I am, ends up with tommy k all over my cheeks. Nadia laughs and passes me a napkin, but tells me I should probably go to the bathroom and clean myself up. I nod and stand from my seat, I head towards the bathroom and pass the kitchen. I glance in there as I walk past and see someone familiar, I take a few steps back to check my eyes aren't deceiving me. It's Harry. I quickly hide behind the nearest wall and press my back to it. I'm completely freaking out. What should I say? Should I even say anything. 

"Hiding from someone?" He asks, causing me to scream out of shock. I slap him arm gently and feel my face heat up from embarrassment. "If so, you should really find a better hiding spot." He chuckles and leans against the wall.

"Me? Hiding? Of course not. I was.... I was just looking for the bathroom." I half lie, yes I was hiding but I was also heading to the bathroom. Harry places index and middle finger on my chin and turns my head swiftly to a large 'bathroom' sign, if I didn't seem like a dumbass before I most definitely do now. "That just appeared out of nowhere." I chuckle and turn on my heels. Harry grabs my wrist and turns me back towards him, causing me to bump into his chest.

"Before you go..." He leans down closer to my face, and I can feel my breathing getting heavier. God I hope my breath doesn't smell bad. "You have something here." He says and licks his thumb before swiping it across my cheek. I thank him and rush to the bathroom, I feel so flustered. I need to get my shit together before I go back out there. I look at myself in the mirror, it looks like Harry got rid of the ketchup for me, what a gent. I sigh heavily and walk back out there, making sure to speed walk past the kitchen and back to the table. 

"You little shit." I say as I sit back in my seat, Nadia grins at me and then shrugs her shoulders as if she knew nothing. "You knew Harry worked here, that's why you wanted to sit in!" I whisper yell at her, not wanting Harry to hear me. 

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." She pouts. "It's just, we were speaking about you at a party not long ago and he had such good things to say about you. He was in awe over your relationship with David! I just thought I'd try and be cupid seeing as there's only a month left until the wedding." 

"You." I point my index finger at her and frown, "Do not get to have any interference in my love life. Capiche?" I look over to Harry stood behind the till grinning at the both of us. 


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