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I put my earphones in as I begin my walk to work. It's a pretty cold afternoon, which is what I would expect seeing as it's December. Luckily for me, my work isn't too far from where I live. It takes around 10 minutes to walk there give or take. I attempted getting the bus there once, but the one time I tried it I got sat next to gross excuse of a human, he was picking his nose and eating it the whole journey. It's most definitely enough to put me off for life, so I just stick to walking. It's kind of refreshing anyway, I enjoy looking at everything around me, I think winter makes everything so much prettier. I'm definitely a winter kind of girl, I get easily frustrated in the head so I always dread when summer rolls around.

"Afternoon Luna!" I hear someone shout across the street, I look over to see Hank, one of our regulars at the restaurant. "Off to your evening shift?" He asks. I take out one of my earphones so I don't come across as rude.

"You know it Hank." I shout back, "I'll see you there later." He nods at me and I place my earphone back in. It's nice living in such a small town, you know almost everyone and it's just very welcoming. I get a few more 'good afternoons' on the way to work, to which I happily return. I finally arrive at work and it's safe to say I'm freezing, the tip of my nose is bright red. I look like Rudolph the reindeer.

"Are you helping Santa deliver presents this year?" Chris laughs, I've worked with Chris since we turned 16. We went on a few dates but there just wasn't that romantic spark, we're still super good friends though. I nudge him as he takes my jacket and hangs it up. "It's a cute look on you, maybe you should just paint your nose everyday."

"You're just hilarious." I roll my eyes and pull my hair into a ponytail. My work uniform is super casual. A black tee, black jeans and black sneakers. I'm lucky that I have a boss that's so chilled out. He does make me wear an apron when it's busy though, but I'm still not complaining. "Have we got a lot of tables in tonight?"

"Yeah we're pretty busy for a Wednesday, you're on table 1, 15 and 24 tonight. We'll all cover the rest." He smiles at me, revealing his deep dimples. Sometimes I do wish things could've worked with me and Chris, he's so beautiful inside and out that any girl would be lucky to have him. But sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want it to. "You start in 15, make sure you're not late." He pulls out my ponytail and drops the band in my hand, he's such an ass sometimes. I pull my hair up again quickly and look through the bookings for the tables I'm dealing with.

Table 1; Montgomery

Table 15; Styles

Table 24; Lance

It should be a pretty relaxed shift, at least I'm hoping it will be. I go into the bathroom and check myself over in the mirror, damn my nose is really red. I put the hot tap on and put my hands under to warm them up, and then place one of my hands on my nose to try and get rid of the redness, but it seems like it wants to stay with me tonight. Great. I glance at my watch, I have 2 minutes. I may as well start early. I grab my apron and walk up to Chris, facing away from him so he can tie it at the back for me. We fist bump each other, something we do every time we begin a shift. I sigh and walk up to my first table, I plant the biggest smile upon my face as I reach my first table.

"Good evening! I'm Luna, I'll be your waitress this evening. Here are some menu's, I'll come back in a few moments and take your drink order and you can call me over at anytime you require anything." I smile to the elderly customers, they seem sweet. They're very thankful. I place the menus down for them and walk back to the bar. Table 1 is preoccupied for a few minutes, table 15 and 24 aren't in for another hour or so. I walk back and take the drink order from the original table. I think they're celebrating as they've ordered champagne, and no one orders that willingly. When I take the drinks back over to them the begin to order, I flip out my little notebook and write down what they want. They both opt for a steak, so I think they may be celebrating an anniversary or something.

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