July 11th

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Today is the day we are heading back; I'm going to be the first to be dropped off since my house is the closest.  We all woke up with a headache but needed to pack our stuff for checkout.  After all was packed, we organized the car the best we could and headed for the road back to our city.  Everyone was kind of sad because we are all going to different colleges, don't get me wrong, we still had a fun road trip back though!  We played music, never have I ever, two truths and one lie, I spy with my little eye and all the other things you can imagine a bunch of friends doing to spend time in a car!  After I got dropped off everyone gave each other our goodbyes and I went inside my house, my mom greeted me and I ran to my room to unpack my stuff back to their place, take a shower and rest.
I was brushing my teeth when my mom came into the bathroom and said "sweetie did you take your pills?" I shook my head and she said "you got to take them, did you forget about it?". She handed me the pill and I held it in front of my face looking in the mirror, I then took the pill swallowed it, looked down and said "but mom, when I take them you all disappear".  I looked back up to the mirror I was back in the bad place and a nurse was in the place where my mom just was, I looked at my diary's front cover and read 'schizophrenia patient diary'.

                        the end.

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