July 5th

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Hello, my name is Macy Paul, I am 19 years old and this is my diary.  I know I am pretty old for a diary but I have a pretty good life and I just wanted to share with someone or something for the matter of fact well I'll first tell a bit about my life and myself in general.
I am a happy teenager actually, so do not expect any tragic things happening, here is a safe place... I probably sound sarcastic but I am not.  I am a well-behaved teenager, I have tons of friends from my high school, I was senior (just graduated) and I have all good grades. Now that summer is here, my friends and I are going on a small vacation to the beach for 4 days so we can celebrate.
In our friend group we got Jason, Alexa, Lea, Shawn, Diane, Hunter, Lucas, me of course, Mac, Willy and Valery.  Valery and Mac are identical twins and they're always pranking us. Shawn is dating Lea, I'm trying to get Jason and Alexa together, Diane and Mac are dating (they are soo cute together) and me and Lucas are best friends since elementary (I have a huge crush on him).  Anyways, we are going to the beach on the 8th so I really need to pack, because I haven't done anything yet so... bye diary

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