The night after the ball PART 2 (D.M ending)

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Am i finally writing it? 


This is the Draco Malfoy ending 

House: After school

Blood: I think i put any on the first part?

Year: After school 

Warnings: Cursing. A sad birth scene. 

For the sake of the story i named the children, sorry. 

Switched POVs occasionally 

Your POV

I immediately aperated to the Burrow. Molly was the first to notice me and went to greet my excitedly but noticed my sobbing. I clutched my stomach protectively, gasping for air i weaped into Molly's arms. She held me until i was well enough to talk. Dragging me to the sofa the sat me down, i now noticed the other redheads had slowly migrated into the room. Gorge came up and handed me a cup of water. I gratefully took it and drank some. They all looked at me with pity as i stared sadly at the cup my eye burning from the crying, hand still warped protectively around my tummy. Molly was the first to speak. "How long have you known dear?" She asked putting her hand over the one resting where my baby was. I smiled sadly. "Found out yesterday." I told her, sighing attempting to keep the tears in. "I had the symptoms and decided to check it out." Ginny eventually cought on while the boys stared in question. The young redhead came over a wrapped an arm around my shoulders leaning her head on it. She also placed her hand over Mollys and smiled up at me. "We'll take care of you!" She said brightly. "You've always been the sister i always wanted. Now i get to my an Auntie." Rons head snapped up as him and Gorge realized. "How did he react?" Ron asked referencing to Draco. I looked to the floor tears welling up in my eyes, the glass i was holding started to slip, Gorge came and cought it before it droped and wrapped his arms around myself and the other two women, Ron following.  I started to cry over emotional from the recent events and from the kindness they were showing me. As they held me I eventually fell asleep bundled in their embrace. 

Molly's POV

I looked sadly at the girl they layed on our couch over my tea. Aurther had just come home as was sitting with me as i explained why the Y/H/C haired girl was asleep on our couch. As i finished the story of tonight.(EYYYYYY Raise a glass to freedom)

"She staying with us Aurther." I told him. "Weather you like it or not shes now a teen mother. She dosnt even have the father around to help. So we are taking her in, she needs a family now more then ever." Aurther nodded and came up warping his arms around me. I sighed leaning into them still staring at the poor little girl in our living room. 

Your POV 

( 9 Months later) 

After the Weasleys had taken me in i moved into Ginnys room. I told them it was ok and i could sleep where else but they insisted. At the moment i was sitting on the couch my hand on my swollen belly reading a book. I felt a kick and smiled down at the stomach. "Okay my babies mummys right here." I told the little ones in my stomach. Yes little ones and in plural, we had went to a muggle doctor for my pregnancy for something they call an ultra sound. I had found out i was having twins. I didn't know the gender but i knew there was two. I returned my gaze to my book continuing to read. After a few more pages i got bored and stood to make myself some tea, Molly was out with her husband, Ron was upstairs with Hermione who was here to visit and Ginny. Gorge was at his shop. I was at the counter when i felt a sharp pain and a kick in my abdomen, i hunched over as water ran down my legs. "GINNY!" I screeched. She heard my yell and came hurtling down the stairs. "Y/n?"  I gasped in pain "The babies!" I hissed.  Ginny tilted her head. "The babies?" She gasped. "OH SHIT THE BABIES!" I ran over to me attempting to help me up. "RON! HERMIONE!" They both came down the flights of stairs. I gasped and yelled from the pain. " 'Mione, go get mum then Gorge. Ron come help me aperate her to the hospital!" Ginny gave out orders as squirmed in pain. Ginny and Ron took my arms a apperated to the wizard hospital we had found a few months ago. Ron held on to me giving words of encouragement that went very encouraging. Ginny ran into the hospital and started yelling. Doctors came swarming out and i somehow ended up on a stretcher. Molly soon appeared, Gorge flanking her. I yelled as another wave of pain hit me. "I SWEAR TO MERLIN IF I EVER SEE DRACO AGAIN IM GOING TO KILL HIM FOR PUTTING THIS IN ME!" I yelled rather loudly. Ron started laughing and i gave him a death glare. "RONALD WEASLEY SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Doctors were position all around and i was hand in hand with Ginny on my right Molly on my left. After a few hours the doctors gave me the ok. "Push Ms. Y/L/N! Push!" I Screamed as I pushed. I sobbed from the pain and stress. The doctors announced things as i continued to push. After pushing and much pain i was finally handed my two beautiful children. Molly and the others stood by my side sniffling from tears of happiness. I looked down at my sleeping twins smiling. Molly put a hand on my shoulder. "What are their names dear?" She asked. I looked at her smiling. "Scorpius Hyperion and Sunny Elizabeth Y/L/N." I looked at little Scorpius's sleeping face, "He looks just like Draco." I whispered sadly. Gorge smiled, "Yes but Sunny looks almost identical to you." He said comfortingly. It was true, the little girl had Dracos blonde hair but my e/c eyes and facial features. Scorpius looked identical to his father completely. I sat with my new baby's in peace.

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