French lessons

885 12 4

A/N Thank you for over 300 reads! Sorry for note updating recently. Enjoy this story! <3 

Another A/N at the bottom! 

House: Any 

Blood: Any 


I sighed, another note. I didn't know who was sending them, i also didn't know french which made even harder. 


Tu es magnifique aujourd'hui

- Your secret admirer 

I sighed louder making the person beside me look over curiously. 

"Y/n? Whats wrong?" Draco my best friend and long time crush asked me. 

I held out the note for him to read not noticing the little blush on his pale cheeks. "Someone keeps sending these notes but there in French!" I said exasperated. "I dont know French!"   Blasie looked up from his book, he glanced at Draco who glared and shook his head. 

I looked between the two confused. 

"Draco knows French!" Blasie said. Dracos cheeks went pink. 

"I- well I-i mean yes." I grinned at him and gave him me best puppy eyes. 

"Fine. Meet me at the library on Saturday at three." He sighed. I squealed and stood up happily. 

"Thanks Dray your the best!" I said kissing his cheek. I turned and ran out the great hall missing how red his face went. 

*Time Skip* 

Saturday came and I had collected all my notes in hope of getting Draco to translate them. Another note had come in the time between Wednesday and Saturday. This one was different, it was longer. (A/n Thats what she said) 

Très cher Y/n,
Vous êtes la fille la plus incroyable que j'aie jamais rencontrée, votre gentille et réfléchie, votre belle. J'espère être quelque chose de plus pour vous une fois que vous le saurez.
Je t'aime.
Your Secret admirer.

I put it in the stack with the others and made my way to the library. 

I spotted a blonde head of hair almost imminently and bounded up to him. I sat down right in front of him and he glanced up before returning his attention to his book grumbling something about Blasie and him being a twat. 

"Im sure you want me to translate your notes but because were here i may as well also teach you french." He sighed as i nodded eagerly. "Alright lets start." He shoved his book towards me. "Im going to say a word and you have to find out what it means in English okay?" I once again nodded opening the book he had given me. "Chat." I knew this one because it was basic. 

"Cat." I replied. He nodded and said another word. We continued on, after a few more he smirked up at me. I smirked back thinking he was going to give me a hard one. 

"Vous êtes belle." He said as i looked through the book. My eyes widened once i had found all the words in the sentence.

I gulped. "You are beautiful." I said quietly. He nodded still smirking "Remarques." He said. 

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Notes?" He nodded turning pink.

'Maybe this was a mistake.' he thought. 

My eyes widened at what i had realized. I looked up at him mouth agape. I reached into my bag to pull out the note i had been sent the past month. Handing them to him he opened them and began to read, in English this time. 

"You are so kind." 

"I love your hair today." 

"I hope you have an amazing day." 

"Im glad you dont know french but at the same time i want to say these things to your face." 

He read the slowly meeting my eyes as he read the most recent one. 

"My dearest Y/n, you are the most amazing girl i have ever met, your kind and thoughtful, your beautiful. I hope to be something more to you once you find out." He went quite towards the end putting his gaze on the table. 

I grabbed his hand. 

"Je t'aime." I whispered. His head snapped up.  

"Y-you do? B-but how did yo-?" He stuttered. 

I smiled softly. "It was the first thing i looked up, and yes i do." 

He stood abruptly and i frowned worried i said something wrong, but he reach me and wrapped me in a embrace nuzzling his face into my neck. 

"I love you too." He said muffled. I tilted his face up by his chin. Looking into his sliver eyes i leaned towards him. 

He suddenly took control and pulled me into his lap kissing me strait on the mouth. His cold lips on mine he pulled away leaning his forehead on mine. 

"Je t'aime." He whispered yet again. 

A/n aww cute little one. Sorry i haven't been updating i swear im not the type of writer to like never update i just dont have much inspo. Fell free to send in requests, i may start a Peter Parker imagines book soon but i depends. 

Hope you enjoyed! <3 

Draco Malfoy ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora