The Final Letter

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Hello everyone, its been a long while very sorry. 

If you have been reading this for a while id like to thank you very much! Thank you for voting and reading. 

Sadly i have moved on a bit from Draco, ive moved to new characters. 

I have seen mulitpull times that you can fall in love with fictional characters without your brain even realizing they will never come to you. Which means you can fall out of love too. 

(I meannnn my shifters out there know how to get to them but we dont talk about that) 

Anyways, this will be the last chapter of my imagines book, i hope you've enjoyed the previous chapters and you'll come back every once in a while to read them. 

I will have new books coming out so fret not ill still be here! 

Love you all and enjoy the finale of Draco Malfoy Imagines! <3

I sat on my shared bed shifting through letters i had accumulated in a box. 

The paper was considerably old and the ink dried, but it didn't stop from reading them my heart fluttering at the fact he had written me these letters. 

I started with the first one, back in our third year when he confessed to me. 

Dear Y/n, 

Well hello, its Draco. I mean obviously you know that. Well anyways here i am! Writing you a love letter! I am bad at this... I saw you today under the tree in the courtyard. You looked stunning. I could take my eyes off you! It was strange as well, i had this feeling in my chest when i looked at you. It almost hurt but felt good at the same time? I have now realized that i have a crush on you, maybe not even a crush. I could be in love! Is that to soon? I suppose. Well its not like you'd ever see this, maybe when we get married. Hah! I doubt that would happen, why would an amazing girl like you accept me? 

Well, that turned morbid. I just wanted to say, I love you. 

Love, Draco Malfoy 

I giggled at the format of the letter, he was usually good at writing letters. I guess he was nervous. 

I turned to the next one, he had written this one in our fourth year. It was dated after Cedric had died. 

My darling, 

It has been a while sense ive written a letter like this hasn't it? You've locked yourself in your room and i cant get you out. I know you aching, you've lost someone dear to you. Cedric, i may have not liked him but he was dear to you so i wont be an emotionless git. I haven't seen you eat in days, or shower. Not to be rude but to be rude thats gross. Did i make you laugh? Probably not, bad choice of words. Well anyways, darling please come out. Please come eat and shower, id like to see your stunning face. 

I love you, and i miss you.

Your love, Draco Malfoy 

I smiled sadly at the letter. I remember when he died. My best friend, Cedric and I were as close as could be. We had done so much together. After he died i locked myself in my room for ages, refusing to come out. Until Draco had sent me this letter. I teared up thinking about Cedric. 

Perhaps i should go visit his grave soon? 

The next letter was from fifth year. 

My Lovley, 

Ugh, this Umbridge woman! I am in her squad and yet i cant even kiss you in the morning! How preposterous!... See what i did there? Big fancy words, i may be rich and superior but i dont like using to big of words. But anyways, I miss you! Well correction, I miss kissing you, and hugging, and showing everyone your mine! Pansy had been hanging on me constantly! I would much rather it be you but Umbridge has been montering me as well. Oh! I forgot! We are taking down Potter and his stupid club thing soon, i cant wait to see the look on his stupid face. Okay have to go now, meet me in my room at 9 please! 

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