Chapter 16

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We wake up slightly startled. I immediately remember that all the cast agreed to go out today and tomorrow. I'm really glad we did too, they're all very kind and I liked spending time with them.

"What were you doing here, Laura?" My mom asks her in the verge of laughter.

"I wanted to tell (y/n) a few things, I hope you don't mind," she answers, also about to burst into laughter.

"I don't, I actually trust you more than most people. I was just curious, that's all."

Laura and I get up to eat some vegan pastries and tea my mom brought for us.

"So you'll be spending the today with the cast members, right?" My mom asks, stirring sugar in her tea cup.

"Yes, and tomorrow we'll come back after lunch," Laura smiles.

"Your family came here with you, right Laura?" My mom asks again.


"Oh that's great! Say hello to them for me."

"I will," Laura smiles.

"Hey mom," I say and she looks at me, "could you drop us at the shopping mall please? I'm sure that from there, we'll be able to manage."

"Sure thing, sweetheart," she replies.


When we finish eating breakfast, dress up and my parents drives Laura and I to the shopping mall. Now that I've kind of been there, I know what I want to buy now.

When we're there, Laura automatically pulls me by the arm through the mall until she finds Eden and Blake waiting for the rest in front of a café.

"Hey guys!" I greet.

"Oh, hi (y/n)!" They say.

"This is my friend right here, her name is Laura," I signal towards her.

"Hi Laura, I'm Eden," Eden stretches her hand out for Laura to take it.

"Pleasure to meet you, Eden," Laura says, shaking hands.

"I'm Blake, it's nice to meet you," Blake says.

"Nice to meet you too, Blake," Laura answers again.

"Were you two having breakfast before we came?" I ask.

"Yeah, we had some coffee and croissants," Eden answers.

"Good," I smile warmly. "Do you know if anyone else is on their way?"

"I'm not sure," Blake says, "I texted Cameron but he hasn't even read it yet. He's probably either still sleeping or driving. I hope he's driving," he laughs.

"And I texted TJ, she's probably about to arrive," Eden tells me.

"What about Dante?" I ask.

"Oh, he should be here soon," Blake answers.

"I really wish Ethan could've come," I say.

"Yeah, me too," Eden replies, "yesterday he told me he wanted to come very badly."

"I feel bad for him, but I'm still hoping he's having a very good time."

Just then, I feel some hands that smell like lavender on my eyes and I almost immediately figure out who it is.

"TJ!" I shout, pulling her hands off my eyes. "Don't do that! You know I'm easily startled."

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," she says, laughing, "it's just so funny to see your face."

"Yeah, I know you don't really mean it when you say you're sorry," I cross my arms, joking.

"How did you know it was me though?" She asks, catching her breath again.

"Your lavender smell betrayed you," I laugh.

"Oh," she looks at her hands, frowning, "right."

"What are you guys expecting to get from here?" I ask.

"Just a small present for my mom," Blake says.

"I'm still not sure," Eden answers.

"Hey, (y/n)," TJ tells me, "didn't Dante tell you if he's coming?"

"Um...," I check my phone, "no, he didn't. Was he supposed to?"

"He told me he was going to."

"Well, maybe he forgot or he's waiting to get out of his house to tell me."


Just then I feel my phone buzzing in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Is it Dante?" TJ asks while I take a look at who messaged me.

"No, it's Aidan," I say, reading his name on my notification.

"And what does he say?" TJ asks, excitedly.

"He says he'll be here with Jane in a couple of minutes," I read.

"Oh, alright," she limits to answer. "I just thought Aidan was gonna ask if you wanted a ride."

"Wait, you really thought of that?" I giggle.

"Kind of..." she laughs nervously.

"I wish he'd ask me that, but no," I laugh.

We laugh and talk about our lives and hobbies for a little while we wait for Aidan and Jane to arrive.

"Hey guys!" Aidan waves at us with Jane grabbing him by his arm.

You don't have to brag like that, sweetheart, you can walk just fine without suffocating his arm

"Hey, Aidan," Eden says, "Jane," she nods towards her.

"Hi," Jane answers, cutely.

"Hey, Jane," Laura says, "not to be jealous or anything, but let your dear boyfriend breathe girl!" She laughs.

Oh I love you. She definitely noticed how uncomfortable I am, she's the best

Jane laughs too. "Yeah, you're right. Besides I don't wanna sweat all over him either," she chuckles.

I feel my phone vibrate again from receiving another message.

"Who is it now?" Eden asks, noticing I'm looking at my phone.

"It's Dante," I say, reading his message.

"What does he say?"

"He says that he's coming," I smile, putting my phone away.

"Great, then the only one who's missing is Cameron."

"Oh, he already told me he's close to arrive," Blake interrupts.

"Oh that's even better," TJ says, rubbing her palms together.

"Do y'all know what do you wanna buy? We don't have much time to lose," Eden says.

"I already told you to get us friendship bracelets," TJ tells her.

"And I agreed," Eden says, smiling.

"I was hoping to find a drone," Blake announces. "I've been wanting to use one for so long now."

"I wanted to get Aidan and I some necklaces that match," Jane says.

"And I want to get you earrings," Laura tells me. "I know you love earrings so I wanted to see if I could find something special for you."

I giggle. "Thanks. I was planning to take a look at the books and see if any of them catch my attention."

"Okay, so we just need to wait for Dante and Cameron and we can be on our way," Eden tells us.

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