Chapter 32

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A few months later

I smell the delicious and goodness of breakfast. Vegan pancakes and a strong scent of coffee. But I don't feel hungry. I don't feel I have the energy to get up.

And I've been feeling this way for the past few months. I can't do anything about it, nothing motivates me. I guess this is what truly happens when you're heartbroken and lose the love of your life. And don't know how to get him back.

My phone buzzes on my night table, making a loud ass noise. I check it to see if I might have anything important. And it is important. Sort of...

It's Aidan

He sent me a voicemail. I doubt if I should open it or not, because I never do, but I end up opening it, leaving my phone on the table again while I turn my head away. What any more harm could he possible do to me?

Hey, I don't even know how to start this. I don't think you'll even hear this message, but I hope you will. Just talk to me, that's what I need. I need to hear your voice, if anything just yell at me with all your anger.

There's a short pause before I hear his voice speak again.

If... you're not too busy, maybe we could talk things over. I feel like I have too many things to say. Let's go talk in our favorite ice cream shop. I'm back in town, my mom granted me that small wish. Please, don't say no.

I hang up. He's really been thinking about me, hasn't he? I still don't feel encouraged to get out of bed, so I call Laura over.

"And what?" She says. "You're not gonna go just like that? He asked you not to say no."

"I know," I reply, still on my bed. "But I don't know if I can even look at him and not cry, or yell, or slap him across the face, or everything together in that order."

"I get it that you're still angry... and sad. But weren't you the one who said she'd be there for him even in his worst times?"

"Okay but what about my worst times?"

"Am I not here, bestie?!" She laughs sarcastically. "Or is it just that I'm invisible?"

"Okay, you're right," I take a deep breath. "But then what about him? I can't and will never be someone's second option. I'm either the only girl he likes or nothing."

"I get it," Laura continues, "you should never be a second option. But you should still listen to what he has to say. Either way, it couldn't make much of a difference. It's either he tells you he's not into you, and you'll be like this for a good long time, or he wants to be your boyfriend, and you'll be happy. You really don't lose here, since you're already heartbroken."

"I guess you're right," my words come out muffled by my face being squashed down into my mattress.

"How many messages did he leave again?" She asks.

"125 WhatsApp's, 30 calls and..." I try to remember, "at least ten messages on other social media's."

"And you didn't answer any of them?"

"Do I look like I did?"

"Right. But can you just dress up and be on your way to that ice cream shop already?"

I groan. "Alright fine! But don't expect to see him without a purple eye."

"At least meet him and give him a good punch then come back. That would help you get over him."

I get up from my bed and Laura helps me to choose an outfit, taking out some clothes and then brush my hair.

I walk to the ice cream shop, since it's never been far away from my home, and inhale a deep breath before walking in. I'm very frightened to my bones about what is going to happen. Would he have hated me? Or maybe just wanted to clear things up? Did Jane really leave him or did she leave the other guy instead? Laura's right, I should give him a good punch before I go back.

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