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1: I talked to my new crush and was shocked.

I was on an office because my classmates and teachers are checking test papers and I hadn't take the exams.

When I was about to enter the classroom, my best friend (or secret crush) walked over to me.

Me: Hi, ______!

Him: *waves while walks over*

Me: What are you guys doing in your subject?

Him: Just a group seat work oh and here. *gives book*

Me: Oh, who is it from?

Him: Oh, this is yours.

Me: *looks at the name tag* WHAT! Who gave it to you?! O//////O

Him: Your other best friend.

Me: *mumbles* She is so dead...

Him: Alright, gotta go Jules. Thanks for letting me borrow your English book! *waves and walks away*

Me: Okay, bye _______! -goes inside and sat down-

Cherry (my bff irl) Oh, hey bro.

Me: Why in the world did ya give my book to _____?!

Cherry: *laughs*

Me: Goddamnit..

2: I was concerned about my crush.

After our subject, we went back to the classroom. Before I entered, I saw my crush. Him and his classmates just had a swimming lessons.

Me: Hi, how was the swimming lessons?

Him: Hard.

Me: Why?

Him: Its getting difficult.

Me: really? Wow.

Him: Yeah, I even got a cut in my finger. See? *shows bloody finger*

Me: Oh my god! Are you okay?! Did ya tell the coach?! Did ya go to the clinic?! Did ya-

Him: Jules, I'm fine! *laughs a bit* No need to worry about me. Just, be careful when swimming. Okay?

Me: *sighs* Alright. Gotta go, bro. I'll see ya later.

Him: Bye, Jules!

Me: Bye, _______!

And 3: I helped my Ex-crush's project and became friends instead.

This project is for science and its a little bit hard to explain here and its hard to make it too.

I was done doing my project when I saw ____ struggling on how to do it. Concerned, I sat besides him.

Me: Here, let me help. *grabs his things and starts to work*

Him: Thanks.

Me: No problem.

Him: Oh and Jules?

Me: Yes?

Him: Can we be friends again?

Me: *smiles widely* Of course!



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