You Saw Him Everywhere You Go

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Do you feel weird whenever your around, your crush will be there and have same scores, same location etc..


1. When you walked to the corridors, you bumped into him.

2. When you went downstairs, you saw him going up.

3. When you went inside the classroom, he went outside and bump into you.

4. Your sitting alone in the 2nd row and saw your crush across from you ALSO being alone. And its only the two of you in the same row.

5. When the teacher says the score and you have the same score with him and its only the two if you.

6. When you went to a small store and saw him with his friends. He looks at you with a small smile and waved at you. Your alone except him and his friends.

Yeah, I Experienced These... And My BFF Says Its A Sign... Yeah Right!!

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