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So there are a lot of communities on Instagram, and one of my favourites is the autistic community.
If you just go through the autism tag, you'll find mostly Autism Mums who support AutismSpeaks and ABA therapy, call their child differently abled, inspiration porn, etc.
However, if you search autistic or actuallyautistic you'll find our community.

It's not actually called autistigram as far as I'm concerned but I like it.

Anyways, I've compiled a list of autistic people on Instagram that you should totally check out. There's also some disabilty accounts, but they're still cool. I'm also thinking of starting my own Instagram for autistic and ND related things, if you would be interested. It'd mean more updates 😅

@the.autisticats is really cool and they post a lot of stuff about autism, amongst other things!

@actuallyautistictiktoks is also really cool. They post relatable TikToks and educational ones!

@actually_autistic_tips is mostly for my ND friends, but NTs could follow her, I guess? Not sure why.

@downwithableism is rad, and is mostly disability focused, but still a cool account.

@blairimani isn't disabilty or autism focused, but she's really cool and informative! She's taught me a lot.

@unmasked is autism focused, and they're pretty cool as well!

@crutches_and_spice is really cool, and I think she's very funny! She's disabilty focused as well, but her content is really cool and informative.

@magical.autistic posts really cool and relatable memes, and stimming positivity! People send her videos, and she posts them to normalize stimming. Go check her out for sure!

@theautisticlife is the first autism account I followed, and I get a lot of the information for this book from her!

There are definitely others, but I'm leaving it here for now!
Have a wonderful day, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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