AutismSpeaks and #RedInstead

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Hello, and welcome back! Now you've probably noticed I've added a video this time, and I highly recommend you watch it and drop a like. Can't watch it? Don't worry, I'll be going over the same points as the lovely person in the video.

So, if you've looked closely at the cover of this book, you'll see that I have a rainbow infinity sign. If you were confused about that, congratulations, I'm here to explain.
Why is that there instead of a puzzle piece?

The puzzle piece is from AutismSpeaks, an organization that does not speak for autism. Let that sink in: the organization called AutismSpeaks does not speak for autism. I cannot stress this enough. Use the rainbow infinity sign, not the puzzle piece.

Now you'll also have noticed the cover is red- this is because #LightItUpBlue, which you may have heard about, is also from AutismSpeaks and so is inherently bad. They are promoting autism awareness, which is great.

Until you realize they treated an autistic member so badly he had to leave, are trying to find a cure for autism, almost none of the millions of dollars they raise go to autistic people or families with autistic children, and they have horrible videos about awareness, talking about how it will destroy your family, bankrupt you, comparing it to cancer, one woman even going so far as to say she had contemplated driving her car off a bridge with her autistic child inside- in front of the autistic child.
Luckily, she has since apologized, distanced herself from these comments, and left AutismSpeaks- I believe she said she was in a bad headspace back then. It's still shitty, but she has actually apologized. AutismSpeaks has not and does not.

I will not be linking their videos or I will go on an angry rage and I have neither the energy or patience to watch these videos. If you want to watch them, go find them, but I am not giving them any kind of ad revenue.

Back to the red cover. #RedInstead is by actual autistic people, and promotes awareness that hey hi hello, we exist, and it promotes acceptance. Which is exactly what we need, in my opinion, and is a great thing to be promoting. I will be linking some resources about why #LightItUpBlue and AutismSpeaks are trash garbage.

The next chapter is either ADHD, stimming, or autism in girls. Stay home if you're sick, take care of yourself, drink some water and have a fantastic day. Bye!

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