Chapter 16- Free..?

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Y/N opened her eyelids, and there it was. Eve, standing right next to her laid the body. Groaning, she got up using her arms to raise herself. Eve smiled as Y/N got level with it, and tilted its head. It was wearing the same nightgown Y/N had been wearing, but it was ripped around its chest and sleeves. Plus that, blood was splattered all over the dress. Y/N shuddered at the sight of seeing such a beautiful garment that Kunikida had let her buy with his own money in such a state.

"You should go back-"

"Getting straight to the point are we?" Y/N said giving Eve an irritated tone. Although she was terrified, she tried to hide it. Even if Eve was in her head constantly. Eve smiled at her a little too softly.

"Right, that's true. But it might become too late if you don't go now." Eve replied.

"You're not going to try to convince me to do it with some twisted philosophies?" Y/N said with caution and hostility.

"No, we don't have time for that do we..?" Eve said with a huge smile still plastered on its face. The sight was very unsettling to Y/N.

"I'm not going to do it, Eve, I'm done." The woman protested. Eve's smile laid still. Y/N pursed her lips together tightly and gulped. "I'm not going to listen to you.."

Eve's smile went blank, and it looked down. "Really now, are we going to go back to when you were 13?" She remembers it so clearly. During her rebellious phase, she refused to complete a mission entirely, no matter what Eve did. As result, she was tortured vigorously for what felt like hours to her in her odd dream. Y/N shuddered.

"I'm...I don't.." Her voice started to shake, she couldn't hide her fear any longer. Eve smiled softly once again and nodded its head. At this moment, a gunshot was heard, following an aching pain in the back of her left thigh. She cried out, grabbing onto her leg while falling on her knees.

no way..was she using...

Y/N turned her head to find what shot her and saw it was him again. The terrifying version of Kunikida. It looked different though. It didn't have foggy skin like Eve, no. It looked like Kunikida in so many ways. Although his face was so unsettling, and it had a gunshot wound in its chest. Although it looked completely unphased by the wound.

The figure's face in general was unsettling in its self. Stitches were placed around his mouth to keep it in a shape of a smile, and his eyes were stitched wide open. Blood was dripping out of where the stitches were.

Y/N hated the sight. She wanted it to go away. The young woman tried crawling away from it as the creepy figure started walking towards her.

She cried out in pain as the odd version of Kunikida stabbed the tip of his shoe into the back of her shoulder. What suddenly came thrashing out of of the shoe. was a blade. It swiftly inserted itself into her shoulder, making her flinch.

With a smile, the Kunikida dragged the blade down to her back, leaving a huge bloody cut. She screamed, attempting to get out of the creature's grasp, but it only kept sliding down gracefully.

Y/N lunged her arm over to the Kunikida's foot, and grabbed onto it, trying to take the blade out. In response, the figure stomped on the corner of her arm, making the bones inside shift apart from each other and break with a crack. Her eyes widened as tears started to form in her eyes from the gruesome pain.

The creature threw Y/N on her back, making the large cut that went down its sting. The Kunikida placed itself on the bottom of her chest, making it difficult to breathe, but not enough to make her pass out. She tried to look away from seeing that a figure that looked like Kunikida was doing this to her. She could never imagine, and yet here he was, or it.

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