Chapter 33 - Swarming Butterflies

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The feeling of the warm water on her skin was nothing but relaxing. Although the winter of Wales is nothing compared to the cold of Japan, it was still extremely cold, and a nice shower really helped. It's as if all of her pressure and tension were being washed away with every drop of water that landed on her skin.

Y/N began to hum to herself as she washed the shampoo out of her hair. Steam was beginning to form and made the mirror right outside the shower curtain foggy. The woman went to her left and grabbed the body wash, then began squirting the soap out.

"Don't you let go of my hand, you hear me?"

Y/N inhaled sharply. She looked to her left, and her right. Was someone in the bathroom with her? After putting the body wash back on the side, the woman slightly drew back the shower curtain but found no one else was in there with her.

Was she hallucinating? Maybe, Y/N wouldn't even have been surprised regardless. She let out a big sigh and continued. Y/N grabbed the body wash once more and squirted more into her palm.

"And you must keep that promise to me, okay?"

The body wash bottle had slid out of Y/N's grasp. She reached out her hand to grab it, but it reached the ground with a loud thud first. The woman flinched and paused. Y/N shook her head as she bent down to pick it up. "Jeez..what's going on with me?" She mumbled to herself. The voice that had spoken was so kind to her. She didn't know where it was coming from though. It's as if it were coming from all around her.

Why did that person want her to hold their hand? We're going somewhere, if so then where, why? No, the person took her there so she could promise something.

"The caterpillar crawled over the rock." She mumbled to herself. Why was that note just now coming to her again? It definitely meant something, something so important. God damn it, why couldn't she just think of it? All of a sudden, her vision went blank. Y/N only saw white, but then another woman appeared in front of her.

She couldn't see her face, but Y/N automatically knew who it was.

"Mom..?" Y/N mumbled, confused. The woman smiled and began to walk away. "Wa..wait! Don't leave me!" Memories began to rush back to her, memories from when she was young. She still couldn't tell what she looked like, but she knew that the woman was her mother

The woman stopped and turned back around. "I'll try to, but I'm leaving soon." The woman replied. She patted Y/N's head from above and began to slowly walk away. Her vision went normal again, and she stared at the wall. Y/N then blinked and quickly turned around to turn off the water.

The woman was leaving soon, I don't have much time.

She forced the curtain open, and jumped out of the shower, wrapping the tower around her.

If I don't go fast enough, I'll lose her.

Y/N opened the door quickly and began to throw clothes on her. Akimi was saying something from behind, but that was something she couldn't focus on.





"What was that supposed to be?! You can't just cheat on her and expect her not to be mad!!" The childish detective yelled out to a T.V. screen. He stuck his hand into a bag of chips and threw it into his mouth.

"Ranpo-san, you've been watching this one specific show for a while now. Don't you think it's time to take a break?" Kunikida flipped through files about the case.

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