"nobody cares when you're boring"

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Note: in this story, Louis has only released Walls as an album, Always You, Just Hold On, Back to You, Look After You, Fearless, Habit and Miss You. He still has to create Just Like You, Perfect Now and Defenceless.

Louis was smiling widely, walking in the streets with his wonderful girlfriend Eleanor. He had to take an interview, so he kissed the girl slowly and then entered the big studio. "Louis Tomlinson is here sir" he heard a woman say. "Shall I send him in?" "Sure!" a man affirmed, and he called Louis who approached him. "I'm Nick Grimshaw, the owner of the studio, nice to meet ya" he said, but didn't tend a hand. "We'll ask you some common questions, don't worry...sm'thing about music, sm'thing about your girl...plain things, yeah" the man said, with a reassuring smile and a busy look. "Perfect" Louis replied, sitting on the chair the man was pointing at. Some girls came out and brushed a bit of powder on his cheeks and a bit of shiny makeup on his cheekbones, then Grimshaw sat down on the chair in front of him. They weren't really chairs, they looked more like armchairs. 

"Welcome back, everyone! Welcome back to Grimshaw studio! Today we have a very wanted guest...with a new album and some amazing songs in his mind, here he is...the fantastic, only one Louis Tomlinson!" the man shouted happily. A sound of clapping hands came out from nowhere. "Well, now, Louis...how is't going with your new album, Walls...that has been the number one on top charts for weeks, now!" "Oh yeah, I'm very proud of that album and of the songs in it..." Louis answered, trying to have a confident tone. "Which song do you prefer, and why?" "My favourite song is...well, I've named the album Walls for a reason!" he said chuckling, and the interviewer burst out laughing. "Whoa, Louis, didn't know you had a humour! But I, as everyone, did know that you are the so named 'Sassy Prince'!" Louis nodded, putting on his typical 'bitch face' like the fans called it. "Well, you know...I'm just honest with people, that's all! And where someone likes to smile, I like to fuck off!" he added. Then he looked around. "I could say that, right?" he asked. "Yeah, don't worry, I am not the one who'll censor the Sassy Prince! So your life is great right now, isn't it?" "Yup. Perfect, I'd say" "And with your girlfriend? Rumours about a possible engagement are very common..." Louis blushed. "Uhm...oh, our couple life is going well, but...we haven't really thought about a...marriage yet. We're too young" he said, sheepishly. The interviewer clapped his hands once, then put on a larger smile than ever and said "So...that's all, everyone! Stay here with us for Bebe Rexha and remember to watch us on Wednesday, 11th for a very special artist and his talk about inspiration! Thank you, Louis!" he said. "Cut!" he shouted then, and got up as in a hurry. "I can-" "Bebe Rexha in five minutes, guys! Come on!" he said, and walked away without even looking at Louis. "Uhm...okay" he said a bit annoyed, and left the studio.

"I always have the impression they don't really care for you...I'm in this world since 2015 and 'til now the only one who I can really call 'friend' is James of the Late Late Show! I mean..." "I get you, LouLou...but you know, I think they just do their job..." Louis sighed, holding his girlfriend tighter with his left arm. "It's just like...nobody cares when you're boring..." he considered, and Eleanor nodded. "I do" she said. "I mean, I care for you" she added quickly, and Louis chuckled and kissed her on the mouth. "You are a gift" he said, and kissed her on the cheek. "A wonderful gift" he added and kissed her on the other cheek. "A unique gift", kiss on the nose. "My favourite gift", kiss on the forehead. "I like being your gift" she said softly, and then kissed him on the lips. They were interrupted by some knocks on the door and Louis scoffed, "as if we could get some privacy here" he said, and stood up to open the door. Simon, his manager, was standing there. "Louis, my boy...Eleanor, sweetie...we have to talk to Louis, could you-" "She can hear everything" he hissed, holding tighter her hand. "Don't worry love, I have to go anyway" she said, going out the door after taking her bag. "What now?" Louis asked. He loved his life, but sometimes his management could be a bit...suffocating. They always asked so much from him...

"We'd like you to release a new single in two months" the man said, with a look that, Louis knew, meant 'you have to'. Louis sighed. "Two months ago I released Walls...could I just, you know...live my life for a bit?" he asked. "I'm just 25..." "Exactly! In five years or so you'll be too old..." "I could just be a manager like you are" Louis replied. Simon rolled his eyes. "As if" he said. Louis sighed again. "Okay, then. I'll try to work on something..." "Don't tell the fans, it will be a surprise for your concert here on 24th December" Simon added. Louis looked up. "24th? It's my birthday" he said. "I know" "I want to spend it with my family and Elly" Louis tried to say. "We both know your family and your girlfriend don't exactly get too well along, Louis. And don't worry, the concert starts at 7 pm, you'll have the whole day" Simon said, in a tone that didn't admit replies. Louis breathed heavily. "Okay...I'll choose what to write about" he said, hopeful. "I mean...if you want to choose, you'll have to write at least 3 songs in 3 months and we'll release them in an album...You can tell the fans about two of them, but one of them will give your new album a title and it'll have to be a surprise" Simon ordered. Louis was thinking quickly: he could write so much, he'd already did that, and choosing the topics was an irresistible point..."Deal" Louis said, and Simon squeezed his hand.

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