There Is Only War Part 2

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Ciaphas Cain Pov

I had just received news of a cadet being sent to my regiment. Apparently, the cadet was extremely proficient in their studies as a future Commissar and the higher-ups felt that he was worthy of being tutored by me. I sighed internally. Many of my exploits were just me being in the right place at the right time. Many would say that I had a tactical brain and was able to predict the Ork's every move. In reality, I was scared shitless and was about to abandon my own men.

I really need to keep the facade up. My basic knowledge of psychology through experience has helped me survive these past few years. The Valhallans were nice people and ferocious in battle. Never really enjoyed the cold Valhalla brought.

Back to the cadet, I sure hope that they do not bring up anything bad about me to the superiors. If he does, either they die, I die, or we both do. I still have the habit of being a coward at heart.

Surely he wants his head attached to his body, right?

Jaune Pov

Ciaphas Cain certainly did live up to the hype. His aide Jurgen was by his side. Many of the stories I have heard about the man before I ranged from acts of valour to something that would be expected of something along the lines of Space Marines. 

"So, this is the cadet they have sent me. You certainly look like you have the ability to become a Commissar," Ciaphas commented.

I replied with a stiff nod, knowing that his tone indicated authority. When the two of us( Jurgen had left at the request of Ciaphas Cain sometime before) reached Cain's quarters, he gave a full brief of my role. I was to be assigned to his personal squad so that he may individually check on me to inform his superiors on my eligibility of Commissar. The last thing he told me was to interact with the men. His advice was that knowing the men better would assist me in my future tours.

I fully intend to maximise my perk decks and skills.

Timeskip, 3 years

Jaune Pov

I have learnt many things while being tutored by Ciaphas Cain. First and foremost, he is a coward, even more so than me. Secondly, the man is extremely lucky(or unlucky, depends on your perspective). Combined, these two traits have helped to maintain Ciaphas Cain's survival throughout the years he has served in the Imperial Guard.

Ciaphas has taught me many things, most importantly the human psyche. He fully understands how to maximise potential among the troops he leads. He understands the fears of the average Guardsmen and how to appease his higher-ups. All of these skills he has passed onto me as sort of a 'trade secret' among the two of us. While I may have somewhat of an analytical brain, I have only worked with at most 7 other people during most missions while I was still on Remnant, not entire companies of soldiers.

The previous year I had already been promoted to the rank of Junior Commissar. The standard kit that was given to me as part of the promotion was the standard bolt pistol and chainsword. 

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A/N: Ignore the inscriptions

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A/N: Ignore the inscriptions. This model is used by Space Marines but the design is the same for Imperial Guard 

These weapons had to do until I can reforge Crocea Mors. By now, I had served with the 24th Catachan Regiment and the 23rd Elysian Regiment. The brief time I have served with these two regiments were extremely insightful. The 24th was known for their use of ambush tactics and traps. Their nature as Catachans also has taught me how to survive in a hazardous environment.

A brief description of Catachan is that it was a hellish landscape. Everything will kill a normal person, from its fauna that could swallow entire squads in one go to the quicksand that could render Space Marines immobile. The people of Catachan have learnt to be observant of anything out of place, lest they become prey of Catachan's ecosystem.

The 13th Elysian Regiment, also known as Helldivers, were specialised in aerial operations. To put it simply, their entire doctrine relies on paratroopers that can hit hard and fast with minimal support. I underwent my first airdrop under enemy fire with this regiment.

Currently, I am en route to my new post as Commissar to the 42nd Death Korps Infantry. The Death Korps were known for their zeal in battle, willing to join hellish warzones and die in the name of the God-Emperor to atone for their sins. Their disregard of their own lives was already well established among the Imperial Guard ranks. Hopefully, I can survive my first battle with the regiment. Who knows if I die in the battle among the countless other souls who died in the Regiment.

A/N: I apologise if the chapter is a little lacklustre in terms of content. Hope you continue to read the story.

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