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Beacon academy, Remnant

Jaune was not having a good day. He hasn't had one for the past few weeks.

How did Jaune get here, one may ask. Well, Cardin decided to reveal Jaune's false transcripts to the entirety of Remnant. That included all the academies and the Atlas military. This led to Jaune being scorned by everyone he knew, including people he once called friends and family. Teams RWBY and PNR slowly left Jaune to the dogs that were the Huntsmen-in-training in Beacon and abroad,at the cost of their moral courage . While most did not know why Jaune did what he did, they had still hated him for it. The Arc family disowned the boy and left Crocea Mors with Jaune as their last act of kindness, knowing Jaune needed the family sword to defend himself.

Ruby and Yang had to abandon Jaune, knowing that Taiyang and Summer(yes she's alive here) might undergo multiple questionings about why Ruby and Yang were still friends with the so-called 'criminal'.Jaune understood their intentions and never blamed them for abandoning him. While he will still miss the two sisters, Ruby being his first friend and Yang being the punster of his circle of friends, he would not hold any grudges against them.

Weiss had left him easily enough. The minute she heard that Jaune had faked his transcripts, she immediately had confronted the knight and 'sparred' with him till his body held cuts and bruises so severe the nurse had to heal him, even with his large quantities of Aura. Jaune believed that Weiss had done that only to keep appearances with the public.

Blake, someone Jaune had not spent much time talking to, left him alone. Jaune believed that Blake had not much experience with him and decided the best course of action was to not do anything. And by all accounts, he was right. Blake had absolutely no clue what to do and decided she should not get involved.

His team were no different. Pyrrha had to leave him. Pyrrha's agent had forced her to leave Jaune, not wanting to lose their money investing in the 'Invincible Girl' if she were to still be related to Jaune. Nora and Ren were willing to still be friends with Jaune but Jaune had advised them not to. He wanted the two to stay clear and allow Jaune to fix his own mess.

Beacon's teachers were doing everything they could to prevent Jaune from being forcefully expelled from the academy. Constant pressure from other academies and the public had resulted in many a sleepless night for the faculty. Jaune pitied the teachers, wanting the problem to be solved without people being hurt by his actions.

Aside from the constant bullying and near-death experiences he faced every day, that was the summary of recent events for Jaune Ar-, no, just Jaune. His surname was stripped away from him when the Arc patriarch had disowned him. He was currently at the area he and Pyrrha used to train. It all felt like a lifetime away from him. He had begun to sleep there since the start of the bullying. Jaune was proud of himself for the creation of his current abode. He had managed to create an excuse for a camp without anyone's help. Then again, who would help him? He had already shunned himself from his friends.

"This was one hell of a ride, wasn't it? The fact that this could all have been avoided if I had not obtained those transcripts. Maybe I should run, or even fake my death. Just let Ozpin know, and everything would be fine. OK, not a good choice, I still have to find an area that is safe and away from prying eyes. Maybe Forever Falls, no, there might be White Fang being trigger-happy and I might actually wind up dead," Jaune rambled on, his tactical mind already taking control, forgoing all thoughts of sleep.

Somewhere in the multiverse

Jaune was but a plumber. He-

"Nope, not another one of these worlds. I already have seen too many Jaunes somehow winding up with a harem. One does not simply have a harem by being a typical civvie."

This was Y/N, a person who has seen too many things for a normal person. This may have been due to his ability to jump into multiverses. This mad lad had somehow restored some sense of order in the world of Warhammer 40K. The only troublesome ones were Orks and Tyranids. The former being created to wage war and the other being the literal cockroach of the universe, meaning that it just would not stay dead. He also had somehow managed to be both an Inquisitor and a sort of adviser to the Daemon Primarchs. That could be because he was the current vassal of every deity in the Warp. This led to many screaming matches hosted in Y/N's head, resulting in a slow degradation of his sanity .

Other than that, he had gone through multiple universes, too many to count really. If he were to list it all, it would give the Imperium's Book of Judgement a run for its money.

Enough about that, let's move on.Y/N was now extremely bored. He could go back to Jaune's(this version of Jaune was turned down. He then decided to open a cafe and had many run-ins with the cast of RWBY, including Salem herself), but there was not much to do. He could run another experiment on Remnant, using a parallel universe to test his theories. He had tried pissing off all factions in Remnant, including Salem and the White Fang. Safe to say, everyone bonded and he was still a known terrorist.

"Damn, does anyone require a traveller of the multiverse these days?"Y/N asked himself. He decided on going back to the Armoury, containing all of the weapons, armour and vehicles he had curated over his adventures. This Armoury was actually a pocket dimension Y/N created when he realised that he needed a place to put everything. It also acted as his home when looking for new universes or waiting for something to happen.

The minute Y/N entered the Armoury, he received a ping. A certain Jaune was going through tough times, and it indicated that he might consider either running from Beacon or becoming a martyr.Y/N would not really intervene in these situations but he had always wanted to test a theory.

Maybe Jaune could become an overpowered hero, who did not rely on 'the power of friendship' but instead used his weapons and his wits to defeat a villain.

A/N:This took about an hour to write,not including the time spent actually deciding to start.I hope to be able to give this story a conclusion.Comment about how you want the story to go,I am really interested in your ideas.

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