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I sat there in my prison waiting , Peter hadn't come back in a long time. And for some reason I longed for him to come back , To bring me food and water to talk to me. Sitting in the dark all by myself was driving me insane. Was Pan trying to punish me? For the outburst last time. Suddenly there was some noise in the cave . I saw a woman with blonde hair and green clothes enter. She saw me and said “You must be Wendy , I'm Tinkerbell your fairy godmother well now I'm just your godmother. " The woman looked upset . I stood up and put my hand on the bars . It had been so long since I dared to hope that someone would save me . I had given up on hope a long time ago. Could it be that someone had actually come to rescue me or was it another cruel trick of Pan's ?
“I don't know much about fairies but I do know that fairies have wings. What happened to yours ?." Tinkerbell looked upset for a minute and said “I had wings once , I was supposed to be your Fairy Godmother after I completed my training but I was so eager to help someone , to prove myself worthy of such an honor that I trusted the wrong person because of which my wings were taken from me as punishment but I still want to help you " I nodded “Okay but we must be quick I want to leave this place and Pan might come here any second" She nodded and began picking at the lock. Fear was running through me as I imagined Pan catching Me , If he did he would kill me for sure . Soon the door creaked and opened . Tinkerbell and I ran as fast as we could . I had no idea where we were going but apparently Tinkerbell did. We soon arrived at a secluded beach . “Listen I don't have much time to explain , I have a bean that'll take you to the enchanted forest. There you must search for The blue fairy she'll help you, Tell her....that green sent you." I nodded “But what about you? You can't seriously be thinking about staying in such a nightmarish place all by yourself?" Tinkerbell didn't answer me which unnerved me even more . What I this was a trap and the moment I step through that portal I end up in a place worse than Neverland? If such a place existed of course. “I want to stay here for the time being , but I will leave soon" Tinkerbell explained. My time with Pan had taught me not to trust anyone blindly . But wherever this place was my condition couldn't get any worse than it already was. I jumped through the portal .
I arrived in the middle of a path in a forest . I guessed this was the place she was talking about as I walked I thought about this mysterious blue fairy. Would she really help me? Suddenly a blue light shone and I saw a fairy flying towards me she grew in size and was standing right in front of me . I opened my mouth to tell her what Tinkerbell asked me to tell her but she cut me off and said “I know who you are , I know what you have been through and I know that green sent you. Come with me Dear.
I walked behind her silently until we reached a huge castle it was beautifully built and it was clear that whoever built it poured a lot of time and effort into the place. Servants opened the doors as we walked inside . I felt underdressed because everyone here was lavishly dressed while I was wearing a simple white nightgown .
We approached a table where a man and woman sat. The woman was extremely beautiful. And the man was handsome. They were talking with a few short men , a young woman in a red cloak , an old lady with a crossbow for some reason , an old man and a small boy and strangest for them all a cricket who could talk!. When the woman caught sight of us she smiled and got up and said “Blue how are you and who is this?" The Blue fairy merely smiled and said “Snow , Charming I need to speak to you about something important privately please."
Peter Pan's PoV
I hadn't visited the girl in a long time she seemed to have developed quite a bit of bravery or foolishness talking to me like that. I didn't care if she starved because she wouldn't die and also it was time I started treating her how I treated my other prisoners after all . Wait why does it feel like someone has arrived on this Island . “Boys , there seems to be a new arrival lets give them a proper welcome now shouldn't we " " I smirked as the boys cheered and started taking their weapons and heading towards the woods to hunt for the new boy . Something felt strange about this new arrival. And then I felt as though someone left . Someone who I was very familiar with .It couldn't be I had hidden her well in a place where not even the  Lost boys could find her. I appeared at her prison and saw a figure looming there. I had spent enough time admiring , I mean observing my little lost girl to know this wasn't her. Even in the darkness of the cave I could tell it wasn't her. “Who are you and where is the prisoner " I shouted. I unlocked the door and grabbed the figure by their neck . It was a woman in green she grinned at me. Was she mad? Did she not know who I am ?. She had dared to free one of MY prisoners and had the cheek to take their place to rub it in my face . Who the hell was this Psychotic Woman? . Whoever she was she would pay and so would Wendy Darling when he got her back. And he would get her back and make her pay for running away . After all Peter Pan never fails.

A/N - Hey , this story had been on hiatus for so long I have been writing 6 stories together so its been really hard to keep up with all of them . I will try to update this one soon but it would be really helpful if you all would take time and comment and let me know what you think. Comments and   constructive critism is welcome . I'll make sure to update soon . Thanks for reading and I hope you like it.

Little do you know ( Peter Pan x Wendy ) ( Under heavy Editing) Where stories live. Discover now