The Demon

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He was like a mystery . His face almost unreadable. But there was something about his eyes that she couldn't ignore. They were forest green shrouded by darkness and malice but there was something else in there something I couldn't recognize . We had been walking for a few minutes when we reached an empty clearing with campfire set up. She couldn't see anyone else. If Peter Pan was real then were the lost boys real as well? And if they were , where were they?
 "Tell me , Darling , who exactly are you and how did you get on my island" She stopped  in her tracks she had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn't realized he was staring at her. That's when she noticed a few boys staring at her from the trees , were they the lost boys? "You know it's rude not to look at someone when they're speaking to you" Peter snapped at her. He seemed annoyed and for the first time since she met him that smirk of his had disappeared and was a replaced with an expression that showed anger and curiousity at the same time.

 He seemed annoyed and for the first time since she met him that smirk of his had disappeared and was a replaced with an expression that showed anger and curiousity at the same time

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His eyes wild. She was scared and shocked, how could one person switch from being calm and quiet to angry and violent within a few seconds? . He took off his brown cloak . She stepped back trying to remember which way they came from. She had to run. He would surely harm her in some way if she was foolish enough to stay . One of the boys gave him a sword.

As she mentally planned a way out of here

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As she mentally planned a way out of here. She realised that efforts were futile , the old legends had been  correct till now and if they still were it meant that Neverland was his land not even the smallest blade of grass would move if he commanded it not to. So running away from him was not a good plan
Even if she got away from here he would find her eventually . She was filled with despair at the thought of being at the mercy of such a psychopath. At her fearful expression his angry expression turned to smirk. "Did I scare the weak girl?"

The boys around him laughed as he mocked her

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The boys around him laughed as he mocked her. She felt so angry and at the same time afraid he appeared psychotic to her. Switching from one emotion to another faster than she could comprehend. "Now tell me who sent you?" His expression was deathly serious and his eyes had a glint in them , she had no doubt that he would stab her if she chose not to answer. "The Shadow brought me here" she answered mustering up her courage. She couldn't afford to be weak in front of these strange people. She opened her mouth to tell him exactly what had happened. How she took her brother's place to save them and how this was all a big mistake and that she should be sent back home. 

Before she even got a word out. He lunged at her with the sword. She managed to avoid getting impaled but ended up following in the process. He held the sword to her neck if he held it any closer he would surely cut her , it hovered right above her skin. "You're lying , darling and I don't like to be lied to". His voice was quiet but his tone sent a chill down her spine as she looked up at him feeling like a deer in the headlights completely frozen.

 His voice was quiet but his tone sent a chill down her spine as she looked up at him feeling like a deer in the headlights completely frozen

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He  looked down at her as the rest of the boys surrounded her. "Last chance my dear, tell me the truth." Shewanted to say something , anything. Wendy felt like sobbing , begging him to leave her alone , to let her go. But she couldn't say a word. He sighed.

"Lock her up , let me know if she finds that tongue of hers" he said with smirk. All she could do was sit there in shock and fear as the rest of the boys all laughed and dragged her to the cages. 

 Wendy Darling learnt one very important thing that day. A lesson she would never forget for as long as she lived. The old legends were all true.

 Peter Pan was a merciless demon.


Little do you know ( Peter Pan x Wendy ) ( Under heavy Editing) Where stories live. Discover now