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"What do you mean 'it's just not working anymore?' Why?" I ask Jordan, as he stares at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry Brook. I hope we can stay friends. If I'm being honest, it's just working better with Eva." 

I stare down at the table in front of me, remaining silent while he awkwardly takes a sip of his coffee. I never really trusted Eva, I just never thought he would leave me for her.

"Well, no, I don't think that's going to be possible. Goodbye, Jordan." I get up and start to leave, but he calls after me:

"Brook, wait!" I turn around to look at him, hoping he's about to tell me he made a mistake, but all he says is:

"When can I come pick up my things at your apartment?"

"Just come now."

We awkwardly walk back to my apartment, and I wait for him as he packs the few things that were still here. I now realize that he had been planning this for a while, and he had already started bringing some of his things back to his place. To look on the bright side of things, I won't have to go get my things from his place; he had a bag with my things with him. Before he leaves, he hugs me and says:

"It's really too bad you don't want to stay friends." I ignore him and he adds:

"I'm leaving now, tell Harrison I said hi."

He opens the door and leaves, for good. I can't believe he cheated on me. Just as Jordan predicted, I take out my phone to call my best friend, Harrison.

"Hello," I hear his sleepy voice answer.

"Oh shit, were you sleeping, Haz?"

"Yeah," he sighs, and I feel bad for calling.

"Sorry, for a moment I forgot about the different time zones. I'll call you back later."

"Wait no, B., is everything alright?"

Hearing his voice so worried makes me cry.

"B. talk to me. What's wrong?"

I keep crying, trying to find my words.


"I never liked that Jordan guy, he immediately says before adding, I always thought you were too good for him anyways."

"It's just, right now, he was the one, you know? I'm not saying he was the love of my life or anything, I know he wasn't the one, but he was the right person for me right now. He was the first person to be nice to me when I moved here a year ago, and he was my best friend here. I just wasn't ready to lose him yet."

"You know you can always count on me though, right?"

"Yeah, but Haz, you're an 8-hour flight away. You're in London, I'm in Atlanta. It's good for me to have friends in London, sure, but I'd also like to have friends here. All I have now are acquaintances, who are also Jordan's friends." 

Harrison stays silent for a couple of minutes before asking:

"Well, do you think you could take a couple of days off work? I think you could use a few days here. You haven't even visited me once since you moved to Atlanta, that's a year of us not seeing each other!"

"Yeah, maybe you've got a point, and I would feel better if I visited you. I'll have to see what I can do with work though."

"You should try and come next week, my best friend is visiting so we could all hang out together, it would be great."

"Oh really? I thought I was your best friend," I answer, laughing. "I see you found me a replacement pretty quickly." He laughs too and says:

"Oh, come on, can't a guy have two best friends? Cut me some slack, I don't even have a girlfriend."

"Alright, you div, you have a point. But seriously though, you would let me meet one of your friends?"

I've known Harrison since I was 3 and he was 5, and we've been best friends ever since. We used to be neighbors, but he moved to another city in England when he was 10. We stayed best friends and kept seeing each other pretty often, until I had to move here, in Atlanta for my job, about a year ago, shortly after I turned 21. Ever since I've known Haz, he never introduced me to his other friends, because we lived so far away from each other, we wanted to keep the little time we spent together between us and not share it with others.

"Yeah, I think you two would get along really well. You would really like him, B."

"Woah, calm down, I just got dumped like an hour ago, H.," I answer, laughing.

He laughs too, and we talk for a few more minutes before I let him go back to bed. I can't help but think about how great it would be if I did go back to London for a few days. I guess I have nothing to lose by asking my boss for a few days off.

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